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Università della Svizzera italiana Biblioteca universitaria Lugano

Biblioteca universitaria Lugano

Nuove accessioni luglio 2019


The Cambridge handbook of computing educat research / ed. by Sally A. Fincher, Anthony V. Robins . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019.

A 004.071 CAM

This Handbook describes the extent and shape of computing education research today. Over fifty leading researchers from academia and industry (including Google and Microsoft) have contributed chapters that together define and expand the evidence base. The foundational chapters set the field in context, articulate expertise from key disciplines, and form a practical guide for new researchers. They address what can be learned empirically, methodologically and theoretically from each area. The topic chapters explore issues that are of current interest, why they matter, and what is already known. They include discussion of motivational context, implications for practice, and open questions which might suggest future research. The authors provide an authoritative introduction to the field and is essential reading for policy makers, as well as both new and established researchers.

Guide to teaching computer science : an activity-based approach / Orit Hazzan . - 2nd ed. - London : Springer, 2014.

A 004.071 HAZ GUI

This textbook presents both a conceptual framework and detailed implementation guidelines for computer science (CS) teaching. Updated with the latest teaching approaches and trends, and expanded with new learning activities, the content of this new edition is clearly written and structured to be applicable to all levels of CS education and for any teaching organization. Features: provides 110 detailed learning activities; reviews curriculum and cross-curriculum topics in CS; explores the benefits of CS education research; describes strategies for cultivating problem-solving skills, for assessing learning processes, and for dealing with pupils’ misunderstandings; proposes active-learning-based classroom teaching methods, including lab-based teaching; discusses various types of questions that a CS instructor or trainer can use for a range of teaching situations; investigates thoroughly issues of lesson planning and course design; examines the first field teaching experiences gained by CS teachers.

Biblioteconomia e scienza dell'informazione

Le cinquecentine della Biblioteca del Convento della Verna / a cura di Chiara Razzolini e Chiara Cauzzi ; con una nota di Carlo Ossola . - Firenze : Olschki, 2019.

A 017.244 CIN

Il catalogo descrive e documenta le cinquecentine conservate presso il Convento della Verna. L'imponente collezione, legata a una dei luoghi più sacri della cristianità, è censita e tracciata nel catalogo tramite schede che descrivono le edizioni, ma anche la storia di ogni singolo libro posseduto attraverso la scrupolosa rilevazione delle note di possesso e di provenienza presenti sugli oltre mille libri volumi. Accompagna il catalogo una nota di lettura di Carlo Ossola, perseverante sostenitore del progetto.

Giornalismo, editoria

The Oxford handbook of publishing / Angus Phillips, Michael Bhaskar . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.

A 070.5 OXF

Publishing is one of the oldest and most influential businesses in the world. It remains an essential creative and knowledge industry, worth over $140 billion a year, which continues to shape our education and culture. Two trends make this a particularly exciting time. The first is the revolution in communications technology that has transformed what it means to publish; far from resting on their laurels and retreating into tradition, publishers are doing as they always have - staying on the cutting edge. The second is the growing body of academic work that studies publishing in its many forms. Both mean that there has never been a more important time to examine this essential practice and the current state of knowledge. The Oxford Handbook of Publishing marks the coming of age of the scholarship in publishing studies with a comprehensive exploration of current research, featuring contributions from both industry professionals and internationally renowned scholars on subjects such as copyright, corporate social responsibility, globalizing markets, and changing technology. This authoritative volume looks at the relationship of the book publishing industry with other media, and how intellectual property underpins what publishers do. It outlines the complex and risky economics of the industry and examines how marketing, publicity, and sales have become ever more central aspects of business practice, while also exploring different sectors in depth and giving full treatment to the transformational and much discussed impact of digital publishing. This Handbook is essential reading for anyone interested in publishing, literature, and the business of media, entertainment, culture, communication, and information.

Filosofia e psicologia

The Routledge companion to aesthetics / ed. by Berys Gaut, Dominic McIver Lopes . - 3rd ed. - London : Routledge, 2013.

A 111.85 ROU

The third edition of the acclaimed Routledge Companion to Aesthetics contains over sixty chapters written by leading international scholars covering all aspects of aesthetics. This companion opens with an historical overview of aesthetics including entries on Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno, Benjamin, Foucault, Goodman, and Wollheim. The second part covers the central concepts and theories of aesthetics, including the definitions of art, taste, the value of art, beauty, imagination, fiction, narrative, metaphor and pictorial representation. Part three is devoted to issues and challenges in aesthetics, including art and ethics, art and religion, creativity, environmental aesthetics and feminist aesthetics. The final part addresses the individual arts, including music, photography, film, videogames, literature, theater, dance, architecture and design. With ten new entries, and revisions and updated suggestions for further reading throughout, The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics is essential for anyone interested in aesthetics, art, literature, and visual studies.

The Routledge companion to hermeneutics / ed. by Jeff Malpas, Hans-Helmuth Gander . - London : Routledge, 2015.

A 121.686 ROU

Hermeneutics is a major theoretical and practical form of intellectual enquiry, central not only to philosophy but many other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. With phenomenology and existentialism, it is also one of the twentieth century’s most important philosophical movements and includes major thinkers such as Heidegger, Gadamer and Ricoeur. The Routledge Companion to Hermeneutics is an outstanding guide and reference source to the key philosophers, topics and themes in this exciting subject and is the first volume of its kind.

The Routledge companion to philosophy of psychology / ed. by John Symons, Paco Calvo . - London : Routledge, 2012.

A 150.1 ROU

The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology is an invaluable guide and major reference source to the major topics, problems, concepts and debates in philosophy of psychology and is the first companion of its kind. A team of renowned international contributors provide forty-two chapters organised into eight clear parts: historical background the status of psychological theories models of the mind behaviour, development and the brain thought and language perception and consciousness the inner world psychology and the Self. The Companion covers key topics such as the origins of experimental psychology; folk psychology; behaviorism and functionalism; philosophy, psychology and neuroscience; the language of thought, modularity, nativism and representational theories of mind; consciousness and the senses; dreams emotion and temporality; personal identity and the philosophy of psychopathology. Essential reading for all students of philosophy of mind, science and psychology, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology will also be of interest to anyone studying psychology and its related disciplines.


"Il mio caso non è chiuso" : conversazioni con Jacques Dupuis / Gerard O'Connell ; prefazione di Giancarlo Bosetti . - Verona : EMI, 2019.

A 261.2 OCO MIO

17 ottobre 1998. Jacques Dupuis, gesuita, uno dei teologi più famosi al mondo, professore all’Università Gregoriana di Roma, viene sollevato dall’insegnamento: l’ex Sant’Uffizio lo accusa di «gravi errori, ambiguità dottrinali e opinioni pericolose». Scoppia il «caso-Dupuis», che vede la Congregazione per la dottrina della fede guidata dal cardinal Ratzinger mettere sotto accusa il teologo sostenitore di una visione positiva della pluralità delle fedi. Prima di morire padre Dupuis aveva concesso un’ampia intervista, finora inedita: in queste pagine egli ricostruisce la sua vicenda biografica ed intellettuale, facendo nomi e cognomi di quanti hanno voluto piegarne – senza successo – la profezia.

Chiesa contestata, Chiesa contestante : Paolo VI, i cattolici e il Sessantotto / Stefano Tessaglia ; presentazione di Maurilio Guasco . - Brescia : Queriniana, 2018.

A 270.826 TES CHI

Al centro di questo saggio vi è un momento particolare della storia recente della Chiesa: i movimenti di contestazione sorti anche all'interno di gruppi cattolici attorno al 1968 e la reazione di Paolo VI di fronte ai fermenti di questa protesta tutta ecclesiale ed interna. In quegli anni una Chiesa in aggiornamento - che usciva cioè dal Vaticano II trasformata nella liturgia, nell'organizzazione interna, nella comprensione di sé e del suo rapporto con la società moderna - incontrò i fermenti della contestazione sessantottina e assistette così alla nascita di un vero e proprio dissenso ecclesiale. Si ripercorrono qui gli avvenimenti e si passano in rassegna i protagonisti, guardando anche al movimento generale di pensiero, alle sue radici, all'ancoramento al concilio da un lato e al Sessantotto dall'altro, ai principali temi emersi e agli sviluppi successivi. Di fronte a questa straordinaria vitalità come reagiva il papa? L'autore coglie tutto il sentire di Paolo VI, ascoltando la sua viva voce e l'espressività sempre ricca, partecipe ed evocativa della sua parola. Nelle esortazioni di papa Montini emerge uno sforzo di comprensione raro e davvero umanissimo, che rende la sua figura molto più contemporanea a noi di quanto si possa pensare.

Ripensare la dimensione profetica della Chiesa a partire dal Concilio Vaticano II / Piero Di Perri Santo ; presentazione di Dario Vitali . - Brescia : Morcelliana, 2018.


Che significato occorre dare, oggi, alla "profezia" nella vita della chiesa? Si può parlare di una chiesa costitutivamente profetica? E in che senso? Questo volume cerca di cogliere l'attualità di quella indicazione di Gioele che Pietro vede compiersi nella comunità del Cenacolo: «Su tutti effonderò il mio Spirito, i vostri figli e le vostre figlie profeteranno» (Gl 3,1; cfr. At 2,17-18). Il munus propheticum caratterizza profondamente la natura del popolo di Dio. La possibilità di "ripensare" la dimensione profetica della chiesa, per questo motivo, diventa un'opportunità per rimotivare e rivitalizzare la missione ecclesiale. La profezia, nel disegno d'amore di Dio, è manifestazione perenne dello Spirito Santo: soffiando sulla chiesa le dona il coraggio della testimonianza per crescere e fortificarsi nella carità, annunciando efficacemente, a ogni uomo e in tutti i tempi, la presenza del Risorto che cammina con i suoi discepoli.

Scienze sociali

Are filter bubbles real? / Axel Bruns . - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2019.

A 303.4833 BRU ARE

There has been much concern over the impact of partisan echo chambers and filter bubbles on contemporary public debate. Is this concern justified, or is it distracting us from more serious issues? In this timely book, Axel Bruns argues that the influence of echo chambers and filter bubbles has been severely overstated, and results from a broader moral panic about the role of online and social media in society. Our focus on these concepts, and the widespread tendency to blame platforms and their algorithms for political disruptions, obscures a far more critical question: what are the social and political drivers that have led to the rise of populism and hyperpolarization in many established and emerging democracies, and how can we reverse this dangerous trend? Bruns evaluates the evidence for and against echo chambers and filter bubbles, and offers a persuasive argument for why we should shift our focus to more important problems.

The death of expertise : the campaign against established knowledge and why it matters / Tom Nichols . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.

A 303.4833 NIC DEA

Technology and increasing levels of education have exposed people to more information than ever before. These societal gains, however, have also helped fuel a surge in narcissistic and misguided intellectual egalitarianism that has crippled informed debates on any number of issues. Today, everyone knows everything: with only a quick trip through WebMD or Wikipedia, average citizens believe themselves to be on an equal intellectual footing with doctors and diplomats. All voices, even the most ridiculous, demand to be taken with equal seriousness, and any claim to the contrary is dismissed as undemocratic elitism. Tom Nichols' The Death of Expertise shows how this rejection of experts has occurred: the openness of the internet, the emergence of a customer satisfaction model in higher education, and the transformation of the news industry into a 24-hour entertainment machine, among other reasons. Paradoxically, the increasingly democratic dissemination of information, rather than producing an educated public, has instead created an army of ill-informed and angry citizens who denounce intellectual achievement. When ordinary citizens believe that no one knows more than anyone else, democratic institutions themselves are in danger of falling either to populism or to technocracy or, in the worst case, a combination of both. An update to the 2017breakout hit, the paperback edition of The Death of Expertise provides a new foreword to cover the alarming exacerbation of these trends in the aftermath of Donald Trump's election. Judging from events on the ground since it first published, The Death of Expertise issues a warning about the stability and survival of modern democracy in the Information Age that is even more important today.

Comunicazione e media

The media education manifesto / David Buckingham . - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2019.

A 302.23071 BUC MED

In the age of social media, fake news and data-driven capitalism, the need for critical understanding is more urgent than ever. Half-baked ideas about ‘media literacy’ will lead us nowhere: we need a comprehensive and coherent educational approach. We all need to think critically about how media work, how they represent the world, and how they are produced and used. In this manifesto, leading scholar David Buckingham makes a passionate case for media education. He outlines its key aims and principles, and explores how it can and should be updated to take account of the changing media environment. Concise, authoritative and forcefully argued, The Media Education Manifesto is essential reading for anyone involved in media and education, from scholars and practitioners to students and their parents.

New Media, communication and society: a fast, straightforward examination of key topics / Mary Ann Allison, Cheryl A. Casey . - New York : Peter Lang, 2018.

A 302.23 ALL NEW

New Media, Communication, and Society is a fast, straightforward examination of key topics which will be useful and engaging for both students and professors. It connects students to wide-ranging resources and challenges them to develop their own opinions. Moreover, it encourages students to develop media literacy so they can speak up and make a difference in the world. Short chapters with lots of illustrations encourage reading and provide a springboard for conversation inside and outside of the classroom. Wide-ranging topics spark interest. Chapters include suggestions for additional exploration, a media literacy exercise, and a point that is just for fun. Every chapter includes thought leaders, ranging from leading researchers to business leaders to entrepreneurs, from Socrates to Doug Rushkoff and Lance Strate to Bill Gates.

Scienza politica

Cultural backlash : Trump, Brexit, and authoritarian populism / Pippa Norris, Ronald Inglehart . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019.

A 320.5662 NOR CUL

Authoritarian populist parties have advanced in many countries, and entered government in states as diverse as Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland. Even small parties can still shift the policy agenda, as demonstrated by UKIP's role in catalyzing Brexit. Drawing on new evidence, this book advances a general theory why the silent revolution in values triggered a backlash fuelling support for authoritarian-populist parties and leaders in the US and Europe. The conclusion highlights the dangers of this development and what could be done to mitigate the risks to liberal democracy.

International conflict management / J. Michael Greig, Andrew P. Owsiak, Paul F. Diehl . - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2019.

A 327.172 GRE INT

International conflict has long plagued the world, and it continues to do so. With many interstate and civil disputes experiencing no third-party attempts at conflict management, how can the international community mitigate the effects of and, ultimately, end such violence? Why, in so many cases, are early, “golden opportunities” for conflict management missed? In this book, J. Michael Greig, Andrew P. Owsiak, and Paul F. Diehl introduce the varied approaches and factors that promote the deescalation and the peaceful management of conflict across the globe - from negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication to peace operations, sanctions, and military or humanitarian intervention. The history, characteristics and agents of each approach are examined in depth, using a wide range of case studies to illustrate successes and failures on the ground. Finally, the book investigates how the various tools interact - both logically and sequentially - to produce beneficial or deleterious effects.

Political communication : a new introduction for crisis times / Aeron Davis . - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2019.

A 320.014 DAV POL

We are living in a period of great uncertainty. Votes for Brexit and Trump, along with widespread political volatility, are not only causing turmoil; they are signs that many long-predicted tipping points in media and politics have been reached. Such changes have worrying implications for democracies everywhere. In this text, Aeron Davis bridges old and new to map the shifts and analyse what they mean for our aging democracies. Why are volatile, polarized electorates no longer prepared to support established political parties? Why are large parts of the legacy media either dying or dismissed as 'fake news'? How is social media rapidly rewriting the rules? And why do some democratic leaders look more like dictators, and pollsters and economists more like fortune tellers? These questions and more are addressed in the book.

Economia finanziaria

Finance and financial intermediation : a modern treatment of money, credit, and banking / Harold L. Cole . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.


The financial system is a densely interconnected network of financial intermediaries, facilitators, and markets that serves three major purposes: allocating capital, sharing risks, and facilitating intertemporal trade. Asset prices are an important mechanism in each of these phenomena. Capital allocation, whether through loans or other forms of investment, can vary both across sectors-at the broadest, manufactures, agriculture, and services-and within sectors, for example different firms. The risk that various investors are willing to take reflects their financial position and alternative opportunities. Risk and asset allocation are also influenced by whether money, and especially its expenditure, is more important now or in the future. These decisions are all influenced by governmental policies. When there are mismatches, the results include financial meltdowns, fiscal deficits, sovereign debt, default and debt crises. Harold L. Cole provides a broad overview of the financial system and assets pricing, covering history, institutional detail, and theory. The book begins with an overview of financial markets and their operation and then covers asset pricing for standard assets and derivatives, and analyzes what modern finance says about firm behavior and capital structure. It then examines theories of money, exchange rates, electronic payments methods, and cryptocurrencies. After exploring banks and other forms of financial intermediation, the book examines the role they played in the Great Recession. Having provided an overview of the provate sector, Cole switches to public finance and government borrowing as well as the incentives to monetize the public debt and its consequences. The book closes with an examination of sovereign debt crises and an analysis of their various forms.

Handbook on systemic risk / Jean-Pierre Fouque, Joseph A. Langsam . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

A 332.042 HAN

The Handbook on Systemic Risk, written by experts in the field, provides researchers with an introduction to the multifaceted aspects of systemic risks facing the global financial markets. The Handbook explores the multidisciplinary approaches to analyzing this risk, the data requirements for further research, and the recommendations being made to avert financial crisis. The Handbook is designed to encourage new researchers to investigate a topic with immense societal implications as well as to provide, for those already actively involved within their own academic discipline, an introduction to the research being undertaken in other disciplines. Each chapter in the Handbook will provide researchers with a superior introduction to the field and with references to more advanced research articles. It is the hope of the editors that this Handbook will stimulate greater interdisciplinary academic research on the critically important topic of systemic risk in the global financial markets.

Economia della produzione

Digital luxury : transforming brands & consumer experiences / Wided Batat . - London : Sage, 2019.

A 338.473910688 BAT DIG

The fashion and luxury industries have been well-established for centuries, but the new disruptive digital environment is causing these industries to rethink their business case and adapt their brand offerings for consumers and experiences both online and offline, mixing physical place and digital space: phygital. This exciting new text, the first on this timely subject, written by an expert author explores the current malaise and offers ways forward through a mixture of research and practice-led examples.


CEDEF : la Convention sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes et son protocole facultatif / Maya Hertig Randall, Michel Hottelier, Karine Lempen . - Zurich : Schulthess, 2019.

A 341.4858 CED

La Convention sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes (CEDEF) a été adoptée le 18 décembre 1979 par l'Organisation des Nations Unies et est entrée en vigueur le 3 septembre 1981. Le Protocole facultatif qui est venu compléter son mécanisme international de protection a été conclu le 6 octobre 1999. Il est en vigueur depuis le 22 décembre 2000. Publié à l'occasion du 40ème anniversaire de la Convention et du 20ème anniversaire de son Protocole, le présent ouvrage est le premier commentaire qui offre un exposé systématique de ces instruments en langue française. Rédigé par 36 contributrices et contributeurs de renom, le Commentaire présente les garanties de nature formelle, matérielle et procédurale que la CEDEF et son Protocole ont vocation à faire respecter, protéger et réaliser.

Complexity's embrace : the international law implications of Brexit / Oonagh E. Fitzgerald, Eva Lein . - Waterloo : Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2018.

A 341.24220941 COM

An unprecedented political, economic, social, and legal storm was unleashed by the United Kingdom's June 2016 referendum to leave the European Union and the government's response to the vote. After decades of strengthening European integration and independence, Brexit necessitates a deep understanding of its international law implications on both sides of the English Channel in order to chart the stormy seas of negotiating and advancing beyond separation. In Complexity's Embrace, international law practitioners and academics from the United Kingdom, Europe, Canada and the United States look beyond the rhetoric of "Brexit Means Brexit" and "no agreement is better than a bad agreement" to explain the challenges that need to be addressed in the diverse fields of trade, financial services, insolvency, intellectual property, environment, and human rights. The authors in this volume articulate, with unvarnished clarity, the international law implications of Brexit, providing policy makers, commentators, the legal community, and civil society with critical information they need to participate in negotiating their future within or outside Europe. Complexity's Embrace explores the many unprecedented questions about the UK's future trading arrangements. Contributors include Thomas Cottier, Armand de Mestral, Oonagh E. Fitzgerald, David A. Gantz, Markus Gehring, Valerie Hughes, Matthias Lehmann, Eva Lein, Dorothy Livingston, Richard Macrory, Luke McDonagh, Marc Mimler, Howard P. Morris, Gabriel Moss, Helen Mountfield, Federico M. Mucciarelli, Joe Newbigin, Colm O?Cinneide, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Christoph G. Paulus, Maziar Peihani, Freedom-Kai Phillips, Stephen Tromans, Diana Wallis, and Dirk Zetzsche.

Eu environmental law / Geert van Calster, Leonie Reins . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2018.

A 344.24046 CAL EUE

This highly accessible book gives readers a thorough and nuanced overview of European environmental law, covering on the basic framework and principles as well as substantive law. It provides much-needed insight into a crucial area of legal practice throughout the EU; at a time when environmental law in Member States is becoming ever less 'national' and EU regulation is growing in scope and importance. The book provides state-of-the-art insights into key pieces of legislation and topical developments in various areas of environmental regulation. The first part offers a succinct overview of the framework of European environmental law and the fundamental principles that govern it. This part covers the creation, implementation and enforcement of environmental regulations and includes dedicated chapters on in particular environmental impact assessment and environmental liability. The chapters in the second part offer in-depth analysis of the substantive law in key areas, including biodiversity, air quality, waste and chemicals regulation, and climate change. European environmental regulation is becoming more complex and interrelated, making it a crucial field of study for European law graduates and an area of increasing exposure to the legal profession and in industry. This much-needed book combines detailed legal analysis with a concise and accessible style, making it an ideal companion for students, academics and professionals alike.

Indigenous peoples' status in the international legal system / Mattias Åhrén . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.

A 341.4852 AHR IND

While many have explored the law surrounding the rights of indigenous peoples through an examination of all relevant instruments and institutions, this book is based on the premise that one can obtain an in depth knowledge of the indigenous rights regime by simply knowing the answer to two questions: What is meant by 'peoples' and 'equality' under international law? From Terra Nullius to International Legal Subjects and Possessors of Land - Indigenous Peoples' Status in the International Legal System offers a new and profound insight into the international indigenous rights discourse. This volume articulates that the understanding of 'peoples' is paramount to the question of whether indigenous peoples are beneficiaries of the right to self-determination, and, if so, what should be the content and scope of this right. The book additionally explores the contemporary meaning of 'equality', arguing that the understanding of equality fundamentally impacts what rights indigenous peoples possess over territories and natural resources. This book outlines the rights of greatest relevance to indigenous peoples, communities, and individuals, and explains the justification for indigenous rights.

Mediator skills and techniques : triangle of influence / Laurence Boulle, Miryana Nesic . - Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury Professional, 2010.

A 347.09 BOU MED

This practical and essential guide, with examples, case studies, exercises, precedents, and other resources, covers the skills, techniques, and strategies required in mediation. It is an all-encompassing resource for beginner and experienced mediators, lawyers representing clients in mediation, other participants in mediation, and those involved in the practice of dispute resolution. The book provides examples and case studies to illustrate important points, as well as practical exercises. Precedents and other resources are also provided.

Natural resources and human rights : an appraisal / Jérémie Gilbert . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018.

A 341.4 GIL NAT

Natural resources and their effective management are necessary for securing the realisation of human rights. The management of natural resources is linked to broad issues of economic development, as well as to political stability, peace and security, but it is also intimately connected to the political, economic, social and cultural rights of individuals and communities relying on these resources. The management of natural resources often leads to ill-planned development, misappropriation of land, corruption, bad governance, misaligned budget priorities, lack of strong institutional reforms and weak policies coupled with a continued denial of the human rights of local communities. This book argues that human rights law can play an important role in ensuring a more effective and sustainable management of natural resources, putting forward the idea of a human rights-based normative framework for natural resource management. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the different norms, procedures, and approaches developed under human rights law that are relevant to the management of natural resources. Advocating for a less market and corporate approach to the control, ownership, and management of natural resources, this book supports the development of holistic and coherent integration of human rights law in the overall international legal framework governing the management of natural resources.

Sustainable development goals : law, theory and implementation / ed. by Duncan French, Louis J. Kotzé . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2018.

A 344.046 SUS

Building on the previously established Millennium Development Goals, which ran from 2000–2015, the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the UN with a roadmap for development until 2030. This topical book explores the associated legal and normative implications of these SDGs, which in themselves are not legally binding. The 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs cover areas as crucial as poverty reduction, climate change, clean water and access to justice. Combining both thematic and goal-specific analysis, expert contributors establish the relevance not just of international law, but also of a broader range of normative frameworks including constitutional norms, domestic regulatory law and human rights. Connecting the SDGs to wider debates in international law and politics, this book ultimately demonstrates that law has an important constitutive and instrumental role to play in both implemention and analysis. The first of its kind to offer a specific focus on the relationship between law and the SDGs, this much-needed book will prove invaluable for scholars in the field of international sustainable development. Its insightful observations will also provide food for thought for both related international organizations and national government officials.

Servizi sociali

Pecunia non curat : o della perniciosa intrusione del danaro nella cura dei malati / Riccardo G. Crivelli ; presentazione a cura di Giovanni Petazzi . - Mendrisio : [...], 2018.

A 362.1 CRI PEC

Rockefeller philanthropy and modern social science / David L. Seim . - London : Routledge, 2013.

A 361.76320973 SEI ROC

Making use of untapped resources, Seim looks at the impact of the Rockefellers, viewed through the lens of their philanthropic support of social science from 1890-1940. Focusing specifically on the Rockefeller Foundation and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, Seim connects the family's business success with its philanthropic enterprises.

The politics of knowledge : the Carnegie Corporation, philanthropy, and public policy / Ellen Condliffe Lagemann . - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1992.

A 361.76320973 CON POL

The Carnegie Corporation, among this country's oldest and most important foundations, has underwritten projects ranging from the writings of David Riesman to Sesame Street. Lagemann's lively history focuses on how foundations quietly but effectively use power and private money to influence public policies.

Commercio, comunicazioni, trasporti

Consent and trade : trading freely in a global market / Frank J. Garcia . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019.

A 382.71 GAR CON

In a time of changing trade norms, when free trade seems to be giving way to new kinds of nationalism, some fundamental questions about trade are still not being asked. Is trade consensual or coercive? Is 'free trade' as currently practiced really free? If not, what difference can trade law make in addressing economically oppressive practices that nationalistic trade policies cannot? In this book Garcia offers an examination of trade law's roots in consensual exchange, highlighting the central role of consent in differentiating trade from legally facilitated coercion, exploitation or predation. The book revisits the premise of consensual exchange which underlies the rhetoric of 'free trade', and then examines the social and political conditions that are a necessary part of a more genuine trade law system, in service of the idea that recovering consent in trade law can promote human flourishing on a global scale.


ISO 20400 : a complete guide : 2019 edition / Gerardus Blokdyk . - USA : The Art of Service, 2019.

A 658.720218 ISO

Marketing communications / John Egan . - Los Angeles : Sage, 2015.

A 658.802 EGA MAR

How many marketing messages do you think you see a day? Why do some stick with us more than others? Why do we all remember the Cadbury’s gorilla drummer or the Budweiser Frogs? What do they say about the brand? How will you communicate your own marketing messages just as successfully? In this textbook, John Egan draws on years of both industry and academic experience to explain the why as well as the how of marketing communications. It covers all the essential topics that are relevant to your marketing communications course in a relatable and easy-to-read style. ‘Insight’ boxes provide insight into some of the latest industry practices, and with engaging examples ranging from HSBC to James Bond, to the Arab Spring and One Direction, this textbook will not only provide you with a solid foundation for working in ‘marcoms’; it will make your study fun along the way. For those looking to get ahead of their classmates and other job candidates, the textbook includes coverage of topical issues such as new technologies, ethical marketing and the regulatory environment to help you consider some of the cutting edge debates for assignments and future employment. There is also a companion website with additional study materials to help you go one further and stay ahead of the pack: This textbook is essential reading for all marketing communications courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as professional courses in Marketing.

Prosperity : better business makes the greater good / Colin Mayer . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018.


What is a business for? On day one of an economics course a new student is taught the answer: to maximize shareholder profit. But this single idea that pervades all our thinking about the role of the corporation, is fundamentally wrong, argues Colin Mayer. Constraining the firm to a single narrow objective has had wide-ranging and damaging consequences; economic, environmental, political, and social. Prosperity challenges the fundamentals of business thinking. It also sets out a positive new agenda, demonstrating that the corporation is in a unique and powerful position to promote economic and social wellbeing in its fullest sense, for customers, for future generations, as well as for shareholders. Professor and former Dean of the Saïd Business School in Oxford, Mayer is a leading figure in the global discussion about the purpose and role of the corporation. In Prosperity, he presents a radical and carefully considered agenda for corporations themselves, and for the regulatory frameworks that will enable them to do this. Drawing together insights from business, law, and economics, science, philosophy, and history, he shows how the corporation can realize its full potential to contribute to the economic and social wellbeing of the many, not just the few. Prosperity is as much a discussion of how to create and run successful businesses as it is a guide to policymaking to fix the broken system.

Theoretical foundations of corporate finance / João Amaro de Matos . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001.

A 658.15 AMA THE

Corporate finance is the area of finance that studies the determinants of firms' values, including capital structure, financing, and investment decisions. Although there are several excellent texts in corporate finance, this is the first to focus on the theoretical foundations of the subject in a consistent and integrated way at the Ph.D. level. In addition to a textbook for advanced graduate students, it can also serve as a general reference to researchers and sophisticated practitioners. The material presented is carefully selected with an eye to what is essential to understanding the underlying theory, ensuring that this text will remain useful for years to come. The book is divided into three parts. The first section presents the basic principles of valuation based on the absence of arbitrage, including a discussion of the determinants of the optimal capital structure based on the seminal results of Modigliani and Miller. The second section discusses the implications of agency problems and information asymmetries to capital structure, giving particular attention to payout policy and to debt contract design. The concluding portion presents different ways of restructuring capital, including going public, going private using stock repurchases or leveraged buyouts, and mergers and acquisitions. Each chapter includes exercises that vary in difficulty, with suggested solutions provided in an appendix. This book will assuredly be the standard doctoral- and professional-level explication of corporate finance theory and its appropriate applications.


Il fotoromanzo : metamorfosi delle storie lacrimevoli / Silvana Turzio . - Milano : Meltemi, 2019.

A 741.5945 TUR FOT

Che cosa ha significato il fotoromanzo per la cultura italiana? Cosa ne ha determinato l‘impressionante successo nel corso degli anni Cinquanta? Superando l’idea di un prodotto subculturale in cui si narrano solo banali storie d’amore a lieto fine, Silvana Turzio ripercorre l’evoluzione di questo genere, di fama ambivalente, indagandone i rapporti con il cinema e la letteratura “popolare” (dal rosa al giallo), ma non solo.

Evolution, cognition, and performance / Bruce McConachie . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015.

A 791.01 MCC EVO

Culture and cognition work together dynamically every time a spectator interprets meaning during a performance. In this study, Bruce McConachie examines the biocultural basis of all performance, from its origins and the cognitive processes that facilitate it, to what keeps us coming back for more. To effect this major reorientation, McConachie works within the scientific paradigm of enaction, which explains all human activities, including performances, as the interactions of mental, bodily, and ecological networks. He goes on to use our biocultural proclivity for altruism, as revealed in performance, to explore our species' gradual ethical progress on such matters as the changing norms of religious sacrifice, slavery, and LGBT rights. Along the way, the book engages with a wide range of performances, including Richard Pryor's stand-up, the film Titanic, aerialist performances, American football, and the stage and film versions of A Streetcar Named Desire.

Kinesthetic spectatorship in the theatre : phenomenology, cognition, movement / Stanton B. Garner, Jr . - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

A 792.01 GAR KIN

This book is about the centrality of movement, movement perception, and kinesthetic experience to theatrical spectatorship. Drawing upon phenomenological accounts of movement experience and the insights of cognitive science, neuroscience, acting theory, dance theory, philosophy of mind, and linguistics, it considers how we inhabit the movements of others and how these movements inhabit us. Individual chapters explore the dynamics of movement and animation, action and intentionality, kinesthetic resonance (or mirroring), language, speech, and empathy. In one of its most important contributions to the study of theatre, performance, and spectatorship, this book foregrounds otherness, divergence, and disability in its account of movement perception. The discussions of this and other issues are accompanied by detailed analysis of theatre, puppetry, and dance performances.


Fortune favors the bold : a women odyssey through a turbulent century / Theodore Modis . - Stuttgart : Ibidem, 2018.

A 823.92 MOD FOR

In the early twentieth century, a teenage Greek girl in Constantinople loses both her parents and, together with her younger sister, gets thrown into a massive population exchange between Greece and Turkey. She ends up in a refugee camp in northern Greece. With determination she creates a life in her new country, becoming a teacher in a small mountain town near Greece’s northwestern borders with Albania and Yugoslavia. She meets and marries a young lawyer from a historic and tragic Macedonian family. Her story extends through a century of war and peace and is peppered with likable characters, horrific events, and a love story. Among the protagonists are two strong women, a charming and indomitable man, and a smart but sickly kid. Now and again her drive, perseverance, and common sense will save the day and reward her with happiness, which nevertheless will come and go like interludes of sunshine in otherwise endlessly stormy weather. The reader will also get candid and authentic glimpses on poorly known historical conflicts such as the Balkan Wars, the world’s greatest ethnic cleansing, the occupation loan that the Nazis exacted from Greece, the Greek Civil War, the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, and the dispute over the use of the name Macedonia.

The mutable glass : mirror-imagery in titles and texts of the Middle Ages and English Renaissance / Herbert Grabes ; transl. from the German by Gordon Collier . - Cambridge, London [etc.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982.

A 820.915 GRA MUT

This 1982 book was the first major and comprehensive survey of mirror-imagery to be found in medieval book-titles and English literature from the thirteenth to the end of the seventeenth century. Working within the tradition of the historical study of metaphor as developed by E. R. Curtius, Professor Grabes not only traces the shifting historical usages of the mirror (as the metaphor's 'vehicle') but also studies the metaphor's structural function in individual works. At the same time, the author addresses himself to the aesthetic problem of originality in literature, and, by investigating the function of a metaphor central to literature over a long period of time, he reveals the interplay between cultural history, the changing attitude towards life and the world, and literary imagination. It represents a substantial contribution to the history of ideas and to the study of iconography, which, by providing a systematic and historical contextualisation of the many varied metaphorical senses of the mirror, will be of particular value to art and literary historians, and cultural philosophers.


Organizational rhetoric : situations and strategies / Mary F. Hoffman, Debra J. Ford . - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2010.

A 808.06665 HOF ORG

An unprecedented text explains how to analyze the role of rhetoric in organizationsIntegrating rhetorical theories and methods with principles of organizational communication, this pioneering text provides students with a step-by-step method for analyzing and critiquing examples of organizational rhetoric. The first half of the book offers an accessible introduction to rhetorical research, theory, and criticism and equips students for analyzing the messages of organizations in a variety of contexts. The second half focuses on needs in real-life organizational situations: to create and maintain identity; to manage messages about issues, risk, and crisis; and to communicate with those "inside" the organization. Contemporary examples and case studies (including a dispute over clean energy in Texas, efforts on the part of restaurant owners in New York to fight food labeling requirements, and a university's announcement that it is building a "body farm") illustrate the importance of this area of study and provide opportunities for students to apply their emerging analytical and critical thinking skills. Key Features Grounds the explanation and critique of persuasive organizational messages in traditional and contemporary rhetorical literature Shows students how to critique the messages organizations use to create and maintain organizational power Demonstrates the importance of rhetoric to the success of the organizationUses case studies and accompanying worksheets to help students move through the process of analyzing sample situations and messages Covers image/impression management, issue management, crisis management, and other key facets of organizational rhetoricIncludes models of the book's method for analysis at the beginning of each chapter to help students visualize how each step fits into the larger system Intended Audience Organizational Rhetoric.

Letteratura italiana

«E se paesani / zoppicanti sono questi versi» : povertà e follia nell'opera di Amelia Rosselli / Sara Sermini ; introduzione di Antonella Anedda . - Firenze : Olschki, 2019.

A 851.914 SER ESE

Il saggio ripercorre gli anni di formazione di Amelia Rosselli, seguendo due fils rouges strettamente correlati che si dipanano dalla materia complessa delle sue raccolte poetiche: il tema della povertà e quello della follia. Il ritratto di Amelia Rosselli da giovane è affiancato dall'analisi interpretativa dei suoi versi alla luce delle due tematiche indagate. Completano il volume, infine, una lettera di Amelia Rosselli al fratello John, contenente due poesie inedite, e alcune lettere, anch'esse inedite, al poeta Giovanni Giudici.

Carteggio 1959-1993 / Franco Fortini, Giovanni Giudici ; a cura di Riccardo Corcione . - Firenze : Olschki, 2018.

A 851.914 FOR CAR

È il 1958 quando, seduti uno di fronte all'altro alle rispettive scrivanie, due dei più importanti poeti italiani del secondo Novecento, Franco Fortini e Giovanni Giudici, si ritrovano a condividere un ufficio milanese della Olivetti.0Nasce subito una grande amicizia e un dialogo intellettuale e letterario che si spegnerà definitivamente solo con la morte di Fortini, nel 1994. Riccardo Corcione riporta alla luce questo rapporto attraverso sessantasei lettere, rinvenute presso il Centro A. P. I. C. E. dell'Università degli Studi di Milano e presso la Biblioteca Umanistica dell'Università degli Studi di Siena, e un'appendice di appunti dedicati a Fortini tratti dalle numerose agende di Giudici. L'ampio saggio introduttivo esplora le tematiche di un dialogo anzitutto politico-ideologico (sorto sulle rovine del vecchio engagement letterario e volto a una verifica dei poteri dello scrittore carica di tensione profetica), per illustrarne i nodi più intensi, dalle dediche e dai richiami poetici fino ai dissensi e alle liti più accese. Illuminato dalla passione per la parola e per il "vero", l'epistolario riesce ad attraversare più di trent'anni grazie a un semplice, umano proposito: "scriverti, per renderti - ancora una volta - testimonianza".

Geografia e storia

Switzerland / Gregor Clark ... [et al.] - 9th ed . - Carlton : Lonely Planet, 2018.

A 914.9404 SWI

Eric Hobsbawm : a life in history / Richard J. Evans . - New York : Oxford University Press, 2019.

A 907.202 EVA ERI

Eric Hobsbawm's works have had a nearly incalculable effect across generations of readers and students, influencing more than the practice of history but also the perception of it. Born in Alexandria, Egypt, of second-generation British parents, Hobsbawm was orphaned at age fourteen in 1931. Living with an uncle in Berlin, he experienced the full force of world economic depression, and in the charged reaction to it in Germany was forced to choose between Nazism and Communism, which was no choice at all. Hobsbawm's lifelong allegiance to Communism inspired his pioneering work in social history, particularly the trilogy for which he is most famous--The Age of Revolution, The Age of Capital, and The Age of Empire--covering what he termed "the long nineteenth century" in Europe. Selling in the millions of copies, these held sway among generations of readers, some of whom went on to have prominent careers in politics and business. In this comprehensive biography of Hobsbawm, acclaimed historian Richard Evans (author of The Third Reich Trilogy, among other works) offers both a living portrait and vital insight into one of the most influential intellectual figures of the twentieth century. Using exclusive and unrestricted access to the unpublished material, Evans places Hobsbawm's writings within their historical and political context. Hobsbawm's Marxism made him a controversial figure but also, uniquely and universally, someone who commanded respect even among those who did not share-or who even outright rejected-his political beliefs. Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History gives us one of the 20th century's most colorful and intellectually compelling figures. It is an intellectual life of the century itself.

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