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Università della Svizzera italiana Biblioteca universitaria Lugano

Biblioteca universitaria Lugano

Nuove accessioni marzo 2019


Cryptography : theory and practice / Douglas R. Stinson, Maura B. Paterson . - 4th ed. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2019.

A 005.824 STI CRY

Through three editions, Cryptography: Theory and Practice, has been embraced by instructors and students alike. It offers a comprehensive primer for the subject’s fundamentals while presenting the most current advances in cryptography. The authors offer comprehensive, in-depth treatment of the methods and protocols that are vital to safeguarding the seemingly infinite and increasing amount of information circulating around the world.

Deep learning / Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville . - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2016.

A 006.31 GOO DEE

Deep learning is a form of machine learning that enables computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts. Because the computer gathers knowledge from experience, there is no need for a human computer operator to formally specify all the knowledge that the computer needs. The hierarchy of concepts allows the computer to learn complicated concepts by building them out of simpler ones; a graph of these hierarchies would be many layers deep. This book introduces a broad range of topics in deep learning. The text offers mathematical and conceptual background, covering relevant concepts in linear algebra, probability theory and information theory, numerical computation, and machine learning. It describes deep learning techniques used by practitioners in industry, including deep feedforward networks, regularization, optimization algorithms, convolutional networks, sequence modeling, and practical methodology; and it surveys such applications as natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, online recommendation systems, bioinformatics, and videogames. Finally, the book offers research perspectives, covering such theoretical topics as linear factor models, autoencoders, representation learning, structured probabilistic models, Monte Carlo methods, the partition function, approximate inference, and deep generative models. Deep Learning can be used by undergraduate or graduate students planning careers in either industry or research, and by software engineers who want to begin using deep learning in their products or platforms. A website offers supplementary material for both readers and instructors.

Quantum computation and quantum information / Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

A 006.3843 NIE QUA

One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information remains the best textbook in this exciting field of science. This 10th anniversary edition includes an introduction from the authors setting the work in context. This comprehensive textbook describes such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography and quantum error-correction. Quantum mechanics and computer science are introduced before moving on to describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than 'classical' computers and its real-world implementation. It concludes with an in-depth treatment of quantum information. Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, this well-known textbook is ideal for courses on the subject, and will interest beginning graduate students and researchers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering.

Biblioteconomia e scienza dell'informazione

Principi di catalogazione e rappresentazione delle entità bibliografiche / Antonella Trombone ; presentazione di Diego Maltese . - Roma : Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 2018.

A 025.32 TRO PRI

La ricerca muove dalla constatazione che la biblioteconomia e i bibliotecari dovrebbero avere un ruolo propositivo, politico e istituzionale: studiare, sperimentare e commissionare modelli per la catalogazione, per la visualizzazione delle informazioni e per la ricerca bibliografica attraverso il Web. I bibliotecari dovrebbero essere i committenti dei software di catalogazione e dei modelli di visualizzazione dei cataloghi. Invece, a parte alcune eccezioni, si assiste in generale a una tendenza opposta che consiste nel tentativo di adeguare i modelli catalografici e i sistemi di ricerca bibliografica a logiche estremamente semplificate assimilabili a quelle su cui si basano gli scambi di informazioni commerciali. Il volume prende in esame l’evoluzione normativa internazionale in campo catalografico negli aspetti legati alla comunicazione bibliografica e al flusso che porta dalla codifica delle regole all’elaborazione di strutture di visualizzazione catalografica. Il lavoro si concentra su due ambiti di interesse: da una parte i dati bibliografici, i loro elementi costitutivi e le loro strutture comunicative; dall’altra le strutture di visualizzazione e di uso dei dati bibliografici che potrebbero integrarsi con le tecnologie e le finalità del Web semantico, con particolare attenzione agli ultimi sviluppi di ISBD.

The theory and craft of digital preservation / Trevor Owens . - Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 2018.

A 025.84 OWE THE

Many people believe that what is on the Internet will be around forever. At the same time, warnings of an impending "digital dark age"-where records of the recent past become completely lost or inaccessible-appear with regular frequency in the popular press. It's as if we need a system to safeguard our digital records for future scholars and researchers. Digital preservation experts, however, suggest that this is an illusory dream not worth chasing. Ensuring long-term access to digital information is not that straightforward; it is a complex issue with a significant ethical dimension. It is a vocation. In The Theory and Craft of Digital Preservation, librarian Trevor Owens establishes a baseline for practice in this field. In the first section of the book, Owens synthesizes work on the history of preservation in a range of areas (archives, manuscripts, recorded sound, etc.) and sets that history in dialogue with work in new media studies, platform studies, and media archeology. In later chapters, Owens builds from this theoretical framework and maps out a more deliberate and intentional approach to digital preservation. A basic introduction to the issues and practices of digital preservation, the book is anchored in an understanding of the traditions of preservation and the nature of digital objects and media. Based on extensive reading, research, and writing on digital preservation, Owens's work will prove an invaluable reference for archivists, librarians, and museum professionals, as well as scholars and researchers in the digital humanities.

Giornalismo, editoria

Digital investigative journalism : data, visual analytics and innovative methodologies in international reporting / Oliver Hahn, Florian Stalph . - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

A 070.430285 DIG

In the post-digital era, investigative journalism around the world faces a revolutionary shift in the way information is gathered and interpreted. Reporters in the field are confronted with data sources, new logics of information dissemination, and a flood of disinformation. Investigative journalists are working with programmers, designers and scientists to develop innovative tools and hands-on approaches that assist them in disclosing the misuse of power and uncovering injustice. This volume provides an overview of the most sophisticated techniques of digital investigative journalism: data and computational journalism, which investigates stories hidden in numbers; immersive journalism, which digs into virtual reality; drone journalism, which conquers hitherto inaccessible territories; visual and interactive journalism, which reforms storytelling with images and audience perspectives; and digital forensics and visual analytics, which help to authenticate digital content and identify sources in order to detect manipulation. All these techniques are discussed against the backdrop of international political scenarios and globally networked societies. This edited volume, written by renowned international media practitioners and scholars, is full of illuminating insights into digital investigative journalism and addresses professional journalists, journalism researchers and students.

Television field production and reporting / Fred Shook, John Larson, John Detarsio . - 7th ed. - New York : Routledge, 2018.

A 070.49 SHO TEL

Television Field Production and Reporting provides a comprehensive introduction to the art of video storytelling. Endorsed by the National Press Photographers Association, this book focuses on the many techniques and tools available in today’s digital landscape, including how drones and miniaturized technology can enrich the storytelling process. The new edition of Television Field Production and Reporting is an absolute must in this visually oriented, rapidly changing field. At its core, visual storytelling helps transmit information, expose people to one another, and capture and communicate a sense of experience in unforgettable ways. This edition reflects, through practitioners' eyes, how to achieve those goals and excel as a professional, whatever the medium at hand, even as changing technology revises the storyteller’s toolkit. This edition emphasizes digital and emerging media, and includes new color photography relevant to contemporary visual storytelling and reporting. It also features important updates regarding digital media law which affect anyone who records and/or disseminates digital media content, whether in private, on television, the web, via social networking sites, or in commercial venues. The seventh edition of Television Field Production and Reporting stresses the mastery of innovative storytelling practices in video programming as far ranging as electronic press kits, multi-camera production, stylized programs, corporate video, raw documentaries, and real time cinéma vérité.

Filosofia e psicologia

Leben und Macht : eine radikale Kritik am Naturalismus nach Michel Foucault und Georges Canguilhem / Ugo Balzaretti . - Velbrück Wissenschaft : Weilerswist, 2018.


Das Biologische ist, Lévinas zufolge, zum "Herzen des geistigen Lebens" geworden. Davon zeugt sowohl die zunehmende Bedeutung der Biowissenschaften als auch die Verbreitung biologistischer Menschenbilder. Doch liegt der moderne Biologismus mehr noch in einem subtilen Naturalismus, der nicht einfach Geist auf Natur reduziert, sondern in einem naturalistischen Verständnis des Geistes selbst besteht. Einen theoretischen Anschluss für eine Genealogie der heutigen Herrschaft des bloßen Lebens sucht das vorliegende Buch in den Werken von Michel Foucault und Georges Canguilhem. Dabei wird eine doppelte Strategie verfolgt: Der Begriff des Wahnsinns wird zum einen ins Zentrum von Foucaults Werk gerückt und zum anderen in den Begriff eines unendlichen Lebens überführt. Foucaults Philosophie wird so nicht länger einem Theoriestrang zugeordnet, der von Spinoza bis zu Nietzsche reicht, sondern gehört nunmehr einer von letzterem und Hegel gebildeten Konstellation an. Dadurch eröffnet sich eine kritische Perspektive auf das, was Jean Hyppolite als den die bürgerliche Welt kennzeichnenden Zusammenhang von anthropologischem Reduktionismus, modernem Instrumentalismus und dem Vergessen des spekulativen Charakters der Erfahrung erkannt hat. Die Verteidigung eines spekulativen Lebensbegriffs im Anschluss an Georges Canguilhem und die gleichzeitige Wiederaufnahme von Auguste Comtes Gedanken einer Bio- und Soziokratie ermöglichen es darüber hinaus, die von Foucault denunzierte technokratische Verflechtung von Biologie und Politik nicht nur den modernen Wissenschaften, die meinen, den Menschen restlos verobjektivieren zu können, sondern auch dem dominierenden nachmetaphysischen Strang der modernen Philosophie entgegenzuhalten.

Memory : a history / ed. by Dmitri Nikulin . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015.

A 128.3 MEM

In recent decades, memory has become one of the major concepts and a dominant topic in philosophy, sociology, politics, history, science, cultural studies, literary theory, and the discussions of trauma and the Holocaust. In contemporary debates, the concept of memory is often used rather broadly and thus not always unambiguously. For this reason, the clarification of the range of the historical meaning of the concept of memory is a very important and urgent task. This volume shows how the concept of memory has been used and appropriated in different historical circumstances and how it has changed throughout the history of philosophy. In ancient philosophy, memory was considered a repository of sensible and mental impressions and was complemented by recollection-the process of recovering the content of past thoughts and perceptions. Such an understanding of memory led to the development both of mnemotechnics and the attempts to locate memory within the structure of cognitive faculties. In contemporary philosophical and historical debates, memory frequently substitutes for reason by becoming a predominant capacity to which one refers when one wants to explain not only the personal identity but also a historical, political, or social phenomenon. In contemporary interpretation, it is memory, and not reason, that acts in and through human actions and history, which is a critical reaction to the overly rationalized and simplified concept of reason in the Enlightenment. Moreover, in modernity memory has taken on one of the most distinctive features of reason: it is thought of as capable not only of recollecting past events and meanings, but also itself. In this respect, the volume can be also taken as a reflective philosophical attempt by memory to recall itself, its functioning and transformations throughout its own history.

The moral nexus / R. Jay Wallace. – Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2019.


The Moral Nexus develops and defends a new interpretation of morality―namely, as a set of requirements that connect agents normatively to other persons in a nexus of moral relations. According to this relational interpretation, moral demands are directed to other individuals, who have claims that the agent comply with these demands. Interpersonal morality, so conceived, is the domain of what we owe to each other, insofar as we are each persons with equal moral standing. The book offers an interpretative argument for the relational approach. Specifically, it highlights neglected advantages of this way of understanding the moral domain; explores important theoretical and practical presuppositions of relational moral duties; and considers the normative implications of understanding morality in relational terms. The book features a novel defense of the relational approach to morality, which emphasizes the special significance that moral requirements have, both for agents who are deliberating about what to do and for those who stand to be affected by their actions. The book argues that relational moral requirements can be understood to link us to all individuals whose interests render them vulnerable to our agency, regardless of whether they stand in any prior relationship to us. It also offers fresh accounts of some of the moral phenomena that have seemed to resist treatment in relational terms, showing that the relational interpretation is a viable framework for understanding our specific moral obligations to other people.

Stability of happiness : theories and evidence on whether happiness can change/ ed. by Kennon M. Sheldon, Richard E. Lucas. - Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2014.

A 152.42 STA

The right to "pursue happiness" is one of the dominant themes of western culture, and understanding the causes of happiness is one of the primary goals of the positive psychology movement. However, before the causality question can even be considered, a more basic question must be addressed: CAN happiness change? Reasons for skepticism include the notion of a "genetic set point" for happiness, i.e. a stable personal baseline of happiness to which individuals will always return, no matter how much their lives change for the better; the life-span stability of happiness-related traits such as neuroticism and extraversion; and the powerful processes of hedonic adaptation, which erode the positive effects of any fortuitous life change. This book investigates prominent theories on happiness with the research evidence to discuss when and how happiness changes and for how long.


Summa decretorum. Tom. I: Distinctiones I-XX / Huguccio Pisanus . - Città del Vaticano : Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2006.

A 262.922 UGU SUM

Prontuario del Codice di diritto canonico : tavole sinottiche / Francesco D'Ostilio ; nuova ed. riveduta e aggiornata a cura di Antonio Iaccarino . - Città del Vaticano : Urbaniana University Press, 2018.

A 262.94 DOS PRO

Nuova edizione riveduta e aggiornata del Prontuario del compianto Francesco D'Ostilio, pubblicato nel 1995 e per tanti anni sicura fonte di studio per gli studenti di diritto canonico. Seguendo un rigoroso ordine logico-induttivo, propone lo studio sistematico dei sette libri che compongono il Codice di Diritto Canonico promulgato nel 1983 attraverso tavole schematiche che lo rendono accessibile a studiosi e operatori del diritto ecclesiastico. La redazione delle tavole è finalizzata ad accompagnare il lettore nello spirito teologico e pastorale alla base dei singoli canoni del Codice attraverso una sintetica analisi che ne mette in evidenza le specifiche peculiarità. Inoltre, attraverso i tanti richiami intertestuali, ciascun istituto giuridico è ricompreso alla luce dell'intero corpo normativo, garantendo un'uniforme visione d'insieme. La necessità di riallineare il Prontuario con la vigente normativa della Chiesa ha suggerito di procedere a un aggiornamento, a sette anni dalla prima revisione operata nel 2011, per adeguare il testo alle novità apportate al Codice da papa Benedetto XVi e da papa Francesco.

Scienze sociali

Economy and society / Robert J. Holton . - London : Routledge, 1995.

A 306.3 HOL ECO

Economy and Society is a major landmark in the recent emergence of economic sociology. Robert J. Holton provides a major new synthesis of social scientific thinking on the inter-relationship between economy and society arguing for the importance of politics and culture to the functioning of the economy and drawing on the strengths but avoiding the weaknesses of economic liberalism and political economy.

Squee from the margins : fandom and race / Rukmini Pande . - Chicago : University of Iowa Press, 2018.

A 306.1 PAN SQU

Rukmini Pande’s examination of race in fan studies is sure to make an immediate contribution to the growing field. Until now, virtually no sustained examination of race and racism in transnational fan cultures has taken place, a lack that is especially concerning given that current fan spaces have never been more vocal about debating issues of privilege and discrimination.

Bourdieu: critical perspectives / ed. by Craig Calhoun, Edward LiPuma, Moishe Postone . - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1993.

A 301.092 BOU

Long a dominant figure in the French human sciences, Pierre Bourdieu has become internationally influential in the fields of sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. A major figure in the development of "practice" as an organizing concept in social research, Bourdieu has emerged as the foremost advocate of reflexive social science; his work combines an astonishing range of empirical work with highly sophisticated theory. American reception of his works, however, has lacked a full understanding of their place within the broad context of French human science. His individual works separated by distinct boundaries between social science fields in American academia, Bourdieu's cohesive thought has come to this country in fragments. Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives provides a unified and balanced appraisal of Bourdieu's varied works by both proponents and skeptics. The essays are written from the varied viewpoints of cultural anthropology, ethnomethodology and other varieties of sociology, existential and Wittgensteinian philosophies, linguistics, media studies, and feminism. They work around three main themes: Bourdieu's effort to transcend gaps between practical knowledge and universal structures, his central concept of "reflexivity," and the relations between social structure, systems of classification, and language.

European identity and the representation of Islam in the mainstream press : argumentation and media discourse / Salomi Boukala . - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

A 305.80094 BOU EUR

This book combines media studies and linguistics with theories of national and supranational identity to offer an interdisciplinary approach to the study of European identity/ies and news discourses. Taking representations of `Islamist terrorism' and Turkey's accession to the European Union as case studies, it analyses the discursive construction of supranational European identity through the discursive distinction of `Us' and `Them'. Moreover, it compares the media's representations of the `Other' in different socio-political moments in Europe- from times of European integration (2004-5) to the European dystopia (2015-16) through the discourse analysis of specific Greek, British and French newspapers. This timely work synthesizes classic argumentative approaches and Gramscian thought in the study of media discourses by focusing on the Aristotelian concept of topos and introducing the concept of `hegemonic knowledge'. This pioneering work will appeal to scholars across the fields of linguistics, social anthropology, European politics, and media studies.

Figure del lavoro contemporaneo : un’inchiesta sui nuovi regimi della produzione / a cura di Carlotta Benvegnù, Francesco E. Iannuzzi ; postfazione di Devi Sacchetto. – Verona : Ombre Corte, 2018.

A 306.360945 FIG

Negli ultimi anni il lavoro è tornato con forza al centro del dibattito. I contributi raccolti in questo volume intendono indagarne le mutazioni intercorse negli ultimi anni proponendo un approccio alternativo a quelli che oggi sembrano orientare maggiormente la ricerca, spesso legata all'analisi della precarietà o delle figure piu? innovative del mercato del lavoro. Le ricerche presentate costituiscono una serie di fotografie volte a restituire uno spaccato del mondo del lavoro contemporaneo. Facchini, portuali, lavoratrici del sesso, operai del circuito elettrodomestico, del comparto moda e delle imprese recuperate, migranti impiegati nel settore agricolo nel Sud Italia o, ancora, lavoratori di piattaforme digitali quali Amazon Mechanical Turk: i casi di studio proposti sono molteplici come le figure che popolano l'attività lavorativa. Dalle istantanee proposte emerge un quadro composito, in cui diversità e frammentazione appaiono come la cifra principale dell'attuale universo del lavoro. Tuttavia, la crescente integrazione dei processi economici all'interno di catene del valore nelle quali convivono regimi lavorativi estremamente diversi, aumenta allo stesso tempo l'interconnessione tra la molteplicità delle figure del lavoro. Questo doppio movimento, composto da frammentazione e interconnessione, incoraggia quindi uno sguardo attento ai processi economici e sociali dispersi nello spazio globale, ma anche a moltiplicare le ricerche sul campo per cogliere l'operare concreto della diversità su scala locale.

Marx : oltre i luoghi comuni / Paolo Ferrero, Bruno Morandi . - Roma : Deriveapprodi, 2018.

A 335.4092 FER MAR

Marx ha più ragioni oggi di quando scrisse Il capitale. Nel duecentesimo anniversario della nascita del filosofo di Treviri, l’alternativa tra socialismo o barbarie si palesa in tutta la sua evidenza. Le contraddizioni del modo di produzione capitalistico stanno generando un processo di vera e propria regressione del genere umano: sfruttamento generalizzato, distruzione di diritti, razzismo, guerre, devastazione della natura. Il capitalismo ha esaurito la sua spinta propulsiva, ora si tratta di superarlo. A partire dalla stridente contraddizione tra capitalismo e umanità, questo libro offre un contributo alla conoscenza della figura e del pensiero di Marx. Il libro è diviso in tre parti. La prima offre un profilo della vita di Marx e introduce alcuni elementi della sua opera. La seconda delinea una sintesi del suo pensiero. La terza si confronta con una serie di fraintendimenti che sono cresciuti nell’ambito dei marxismi. Paolo Ferrero è nato a Pomaretto (To) nel 1960. Operaio e poi cassaintegrato Fiat, valdese, è stato Ministro della Solidarietà sociale nel secondo governo Prodi e segretario nazionale di Rifondazione comunista. Oggi è vicepresidente del Partito della Sinistra europea. Bruno Morandi è nato a Roma nel 1930. Ha militato a lungo nel Partito comunista, poi nell’area del Manifesto. Ha lavorato con la Federazione lavoratori metalmeccanici e con la sinistra sindacale. È stato responsabile nazionale della formazione di Rifondazione comunista.

Tourism, tourists and society / Richard Sharpley . - London : Routledge, 2018.

A 306.4819 SHA TOU

Tourism, Tourists and Society provides a broad introduction to the inter-relationship between tourism and society, making complex sociological concepts and themes accessible to readers from a non-sociological academic background. It provides a thorough exploration of how society influences or shapes the behaviours, motivations, attitudes and consumption of tourists, as well as the tourism impacts on destination societies. The fifth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect recent data, concepts and academic debates: New content on: mobilities paradigm and the emotional dimension of tourist experiences. New chapter: Tourism and the Digital Revolution, looking at the ways in which the Internet and mobile technology transform both tourist behaviour and the tourist experience. New end-of-chapter further reading and discussion topics. Accessible yet critical in style, this book offers students an invaluable introduction to tourism, tourists and society.

Comunicazione e media

Aspetti e problemi dei processi comunicativi / Michela Luzi . - Roma : Nuova cultura, 2013.

A 302.23 LUZ ASP

Il nostro tempo e con esso la società contemporanea sono sempre più influenzati e quasi plasticamente plasmati dai mezzi di comunicazione di massa. Grazie al portentoso sviluppo della tecnologia, di cui il fenomeno Internet rappresenta il più sofisticato dei prodotti, la comunicazione, nelle forme più diversificate, ha raggiunto livelli mai prima sperimentati. Ci troviamo di fronte ad una vera e propria rivoluzione, culturale prima di ogni altra cosa, i cui effetti si riverberano in ogni ambito della nostra quotidianità. Ne sono artefici e paladini soprattutto le generazioni più giovani, i cosiddetti nativi digitali. Il fenomeno è complesso e complicato; quasi inafferrabile perché continuamente mutevole nelle forme espressive e cangiante nelle modalità del suo stesso manifestarsi. Per conoscerlo fino in fondo e per scovarne gli aspetti più reconditi, è necessario procedere ad un'indagine a tutto tondo, senza pregiudizi od orientamenti ideologici precostituiti. D'altronde, interrogarsi sugli attuali processi comunicativi, significa soprattutto interrogarsi sulla condizione esistenziale dell'uomo nella post-modernità.

Digital memory studies : media pasts in transition / ed. by Andrew Hoskins . - New York : Routledge, 2018.

A 302.231 DIG

Digital media, networks and archives reimagine and revitalize individual, social and cultural memory but they also ensnare it, bringing it under new forms of control. Understanding these paradoxical conditions of remembering and forgetting through today’s technologies needs bold interdisciplinary interventions. Digital Memory Studies seizes this challenge and pioneers an agenda that interrogates concepts, theories and histories of media and memory studies, to map a holistic vision for the study of the digital remaking of memory. Through the lenses of connectivity, archaeology, economy, and archive, contributors illuminate the uses and abuses of the digital past via an array of media and topics, including television, videogames and social media, and memory institutions, network politics and the digital afterlife.

Handbook of media management and economics / ed. by Alan B. Albarran, Bozena I. Mierzejewska, Jaemin Jung. – 2nd ed. – New York : Routledge, 2018.

A 302.23068 HAN

The Handbook of Media Management and Economics has become a required reference for students, professors, policy makers and industry practitioners. The volume was developed around two primary objectives: assessing the state of knowledge for the key topics in the media management and economics fields; and establishing the research agenda in these areas, ultimately pushing the field in new directions. The Handbook's chapters are organized into parts addressing the theoretical components, key issues, analytical tools, and future directions for research. With its unparalleled breadth of content from expert authors, the Handbook provides background knowledge of the various theoretical dimensions and historical paradigms, and establishes the direction for the next phases of research in this evolving arena of study. Updates include the rise of mobile and social media, globalization, audience fragmentation and big data.

Le tetradi perdute di Marshall McLuhan / Marshall McLuhan, Eric McLuhan ; traduzione di Fabio Deotto . - Milano : Il Saggiatore, 2019.

A 302.23 MCL TET

Le tetradi perdute – secondo alcuni il vero capolavoro di Marshall McLuhan – nasce come continuazione di Gli strumenti del comunicare e di La legge dei media. Nel corso del loro lavoro di aggiornamento e revisione, Marshall McLuhan e suo figlio Eric trovano uno strumento teorico completamente nuovo, che si manifesta in una forma assolutamente inusitata e che si applica tanto ai prodotti materiali (come gli occhiali) quanto a quelli astratti (come la repubblica) dell’evoluzione. Le nuove leggi scoperte dai McLuhan sono un metodo valido e rivoluzionario per la comprensione di ogni fenomeno umano. Sono le tetradi. Una tetrade raggruppa le quattro leggi che governano tutte le innovazioni umane: ogni innovazione amplifica, rende obsoleto, recupera e capovolge qualcosa. Questi processi hanno luogo in tutti i casi, senza eccezioni, ogni volta che un’innovazione si sviluppa e si diffonde nella cultura e nella società; perciò sono stati chiamati leggi. Sono le leggi dei media nella loro forma definitiva. Per esempio, il refrigeratore amplifica la gamma dei cibi disponibili, rende obsoleti il cibo fresco e il cibo essiccato, recupera il tempo libero di chi provvede alla cucina e si capovolge nell’omogeneità di sapore e consistenza. Oppure: l’orologio amplifica il lavoro, rende obsoleto l’ozio, recupera la storia come forma d’arte e si capovolge in un eterno presente. O ancora: la macchina fotografica amplifica l’aggressione privata, rende obsoleta la privacy, recupera il passato come presente e si capovolge nel dominio pubblico.

WebLife : finestre sul cyber-spazio / Giovanni Fasoli . - Padova :, 2017.

A 302.231083 FAS WEB

Il testo invita docenti, educatori e genitori a interrogarsi profondamente sulle necessità della nuova generazione di studenti: la net generation. I ragazzi di oggi, infatti, vivono in un mondo sempre più social che, per essere compreso, richiede competenze comunicative e relazionali specifiche. L’educatore, allora, non potrà limitarsi a formare i suoi alunni ma dovrà mirare, necessariamente, a una costante auto-formazione critica, perché solo così sarà realmente in grado di decifrare i messaggi che i ragazzi affidano ai loro post e agli hashtag e comprendere fino in fondo il contesto sociale in cui si trova a operare.

Scienza politica

The foundations of deliberative democracy : empirical research and normative implications / Jürg Steiner . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.

A 321.8 STE FOU

The key element of deliberation in politics is that it is not just power that counts, but good arguments too. This book combines the normative controversies in the philosophical literature on deliberation with empirical research on deliberation in order to draw normative implications.

Argumentation in Prime Minister’s Question Time : accusation of inconsistency in response to criticism / Dima Mohammed. – Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2018.

A 320.0141 MOH ARG

When political actors respond to criticism by pointing at an inconsistency in the critic’s position, a tricky political practice emerges. Turning the criticism back to the critic can be a constructive move that restores coherence, but it may also be a disruptive move that silences the critical voice and obstructs accountability. What distinguishes constructive cases from disruptive ones? This is the question this book sets out to answer. The question is addressed by adopting an argumentative perspective. Argumentation in Prime Minister’s Question Time focuses on the turnabout employed by the British Prime Minister in response to the Leader of the Opposition. The turnabout is characterised as a particular way of strategic manoeuvring. The manoeuvring is analysed and evaluated by combining pragmatic, dialectical and rhetorical insights with considerations from the realm of politics. The outcome is an account of the turnabout’s strategic functions and an assessment guide for evaluating its reasonableness. The book will be of interest to advanced students and researchers of argumentation, discourse analysis, communication and rhetoric.

Machiavelli e l’Italia : resoconto di una disfatta / Alberto Asor Rosa. – Torino : Einaudi, 2019.

A 320.1092 ASO MAC

La leggendaria figura di Niccolò Machiavelli, - pensatore, teorico, interprete profondo e appassionato degli avvenimenti politici e statuali del suo tempo, - viene in questo libro ricollocata nella sua dimensione piú umana e nel moltiplicarsi senza fine delle sue vocazioni. Ne esce un personaggio a tutto tondo, in cui corpo e cervello, intelligenza e passioni, invece di muoversi su binari paralleli e non comunicanti, convergono e continuamente si fondono fra loro. Il fascino di una ricostruzione condotta con questi criteri consente di cogliere meglio, e con maggiore concretezza, anche lo svolgimento processuale di un momento importante, anzi decisivo, della storia italiana, quello che Asor Rosa definisce la «grande catastrofe»: quando, in un breve volgere di anni (1492-1530), si sarebbero determinati e forgiati i destini della Nazione fino ai nostri giorni. Il talento narrativo dell'autore, ben noto per precedenti esperienze, fa di questo ricchissimo e complicato intreccio di temi, problemi, personaggi, decisioni giuste e decisioni avventate, lotte eroiche e imprese sciagurate, un racconto continuo e appassionato, di cui non si perde mai il filo. Vi si legge la storia del passato come se si trattasse della storia piú coinvolgente dei nostri tempi.

Nazionalismo banale / Michael Billig ; introduzione all'edizione italiana di Andrea Geniola ; traduzione di Fabio De Leonardis . - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2018.

A 320.54 BIL NAZ

Il nazionalismo non è morto. Sopravvive alla globalizzazione perché nelle democrazie avanzate spesso abbandona i tratti più marcatamente aggressivi o rivendicativi per comparire sotto le vesti "banali" della bandiera esposta negli uffici pubblici, nei riferimenti culturali diffusi dai mass media, nella simbologia più o meno esplicita delle ritualità sportive. In questo volume, che ormai è divenuto una pietra miliare della riflessione sul nazionalismo, tradotto in diverse lingue, Michael Billig ci porta a osservare come il nazionalismo si riproduca in tutti gli aspetti della nostra vita quotidiana come un fenomeno normalizzato e rassicurante. Occorre rendersene conto per comprendere il mondo in cui viviamo senza ricadere nelle semplificazioni giornalistiche.


Behavioral economics : the basics / Philip Corr and Anke Plagnol . - London : Routledge, 2018.

A 330.019 COR BEH

Behavioral economics is everywhere - whether used by governments to shape our judgement and decision making, advertisers and marketers to sell products, or even politicians to sell policies, its insights are important and far-reaching. Behavioral Economics: The Basics is the first book to provide a rigorous yet accessible overview of the growing field that attempts to uncover the psychological processes which mediate all the economic judgements and decisions we make. In seven accessible chapters, the book answers questions like: What is behavioral economics? How does it help us to understand economic behavior? What does it tell us about how people form judgements and make decisions in their private and public lives? What does it tell us about the psychological nature of financial catastrophes that afflict our economic system? With recommended further readings throughout, Behavioral Economics: The Basics is essential for all students taking courses in behavioral economics, economic psychology, consumer psychology, microeconomics and game theory, and also for professionals looking for an accessible introduction to the topic.

Crepe nel sistema : la frantumazione dell'economia globale / Fabrizio Saccomanni . - Bologna : Il Mulino, 2018.

A 330.905 SAC CRE

L’eredità della crisi che ha sconvolto l’economia globale a partire dal 2008 è stata pesante: crescita inadeguata, disoccupazione, disuguaglianze nella distribuzione dei redditi, crollo degli investimenti pubblici. Le contromisure adottate dai governi sono state nel complesso inefficaci. Si è evitata l’implosione del sistema finanziario, ma si sono sottovalutate sia la natura strutturale della crisi, sia le gravi conseguenze sociali e politiche che essa avrebbe provocato. Si sono date risposte tardive, parziali, non coordinate a livello internazionale, mentre si è aperta la strada al protezionismo commerciale e finanziario, svilendo il ruolo e le funzioni delle istituzioni della cooperazione multilaterale. Con le incertezze generate dalle politiche nazionalistiche della nuova amministrazione americana, dall’attivismo internazionale della Cina, dalle divergenze in seno all’Unione Europea, il rischio di frammentazione del sistema economico globale non è stato mai così elevato.

A global history of co-operative business / Greg Patmore, Nikola Balnave. – London : Routledge, 2018.

A 334.09 PAT GLO

Co-operatives provide a different approach to organizing business through their ideals of member ownership and democratic practice. Every co-operative member has an equal vote regardless of his or her own personal capital investment. The contemporary significance of co-operatives was highlighted by the United Nations declaration of 2012 as the International Year of Co-operatives. This book provides an international perspective on the development of co-operatives since the mid-nineteenth century, exploring the economic, political, and social factors that explain their varying fortunes and transformation into different forms. By looking at what co-operatives are; how they have changed; the developments as well as the persecutions of the co-operative movement; and how it is an important force in promoting development and self-sufficiency in non-industrialized areas, this book provides valuable insight not only to academics, but also to practitioners and policy makers.

Happiness, economics and politics : towards a multi-disciplinary approach / ed. by Amitava Krishna Dutt, Benjamin Radcliff . - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009.

A 330.019 HAP

This timely and important book presents a unique study of happiness from both economic and political perspectives. It offers an overview of contemporary research on the emergent field of happiness studies and contains contributions by some of the leading figures in the field. General issues such as the history and conceptualization of happiness are explored, and the underpinning theories and empirics analyzed. The ways in which economic and political factors – both separately and interactively – affect the quality of human life are examined, illustrating the importance of a self-consciously multi-disciplinary approach to the field. In particular, the effects of consumption, income growth, inequality, discrimination, democracy, the nature of government policies, and labor organization on happiness are scrutinized. In conclusion, the contributors prescribe what can and should be done at individual and societal levels to improve human well-being and happiness. This wide-ranging and interdisciplinary book makes a unique contribution to the literature. As such, it will prove a fascinating read for students and scholars of economics, political science, psychology, sociology, and of course, to those with a special interest in the analysis of happiness and human well-being.

Economia finanziaria

Inflation and society / Graham Hutton. – London : Routledge, 2016.

A 332.41 HUT INF

Originally published in 1960, this book examines how inflation as a policy has come about in modern democracies, how ti works, how to avoid it and at what cost. In non-technical terms it explains what inflation does, both to society and its individual elements, to weaken and hamper democracy. Including examples from the UK, Germany, France, Scandinavia, the USA and the former Soviet Union this volume examines inflation at work in widely differing communities since Roman Times to the late twentieth century.

The psychology of investing / John R. Nofsinger . - 6th ed. - New York : Routledge, 2018.

A 332.6019 NOF PSY

While traditional finance focuses on the tools used to optimize return and minimize risk, this book explains how psychology can affect our decisions more than financial theory. Covering the ways investors actually behave, this is the first book of its kind to delve into the ways biases influence investment behavior, and how overcoming these biases can increase financial success.

Inflation : a theoretical survey and synthesis / John Hudson. – London : Routledge, 2016.

A 332.41 HUD INF

Originally published in 1982, this book begins with a wide-ranging and critical review of both first and second generation theories of inflation (and the related problem of unemployment), including the classical approach to macroeconomics. The author systematically integrates search, implicit contract, expectations and wage-bargaining theeoriees to outline a new and original synthesis. This synthesis and switching regimes model is then rigorously examined to see how well it can explain inflation the US and the UK.

Money : what it is, how it's created, who gets it, and why it matters / Sergio M. Focardi . - London : Routledge, 2018.

A 332.4 FOC MON

By enabling the storage and transfer of purchasing power, money facilitates economic transactions and coordinates economic activity. But what is money? How is it generated? Distributed? How does money acquire value and that value change? How does money impact the economy, society? This book explores money as a system of "tokens" that represent the purchasing power of individual agents. It looks at how money developed from debt/credit relationships, barter and coins into a system of gold-backed currencies and bank credit and on to the present system of fiat money, bank credit, near-money and, more recently, digital currencies. The author successively examines how the money circuit has changed over the last 50 years, a period of stagnant wages, increased household borrowing and growing economic complexity, and argues for a new theory of economies as complex systems, coordinated by a banking and financial system. Money: What It Is, How It’s Created, Who Gets It and Why It Matters will be of interest to students of economics and finance theory and anyone wanting a more complete understanding of monetary theory, economics, money and banking.

The story of silver : how the white metal shaped America and the modern world / William L. Silber. – Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2019.

A 332.4230973 SIL STO

This is the story of silver’s transformation from soft money during the nineteenth century to hard asset today, and how manipulations of the white metal by American president Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930s and by the richest man in the world, Texas oil baron Nelson Bunker Hunt, during the 1970s altered the course of American and world history. FDR pumped up the price of silver to help jump start the U.S. economy during the Great Depression, but this move weakened China, which was then on the silver standard, and facilitated Japan’s rise to power before World War II. Bunker Hunt went on a silver-buying spree during the 1970s to protect himself against inflation and triggered a financial crisis that left him bankrupt. Silver has been the preferred shelter against government defaults, political instability, and inflation for most people in the world because it is cheaper than gold. The white metal has been the place to hide when conventional investments sour, but it has also seduced sophisticated investors throughout the ages like a siren. This book explains how powerful figures, up to and including Warren Buffett, have come under silver’s thrall, and how its history guides economic and political decisions in the twenty-first century.

When things don't fall apart : global financial governance and developmental finance in an age of productive incoherence / Ilene Grabel . - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2017.

A 332.042 GRA WHE

In When Things Don't Fall Apart, Ilene Grabel challenges the dominant view that the global financial crisis had little effect on global financial governance and developmental finance. Most observers discount all but grand, systemic ruptures in institutions and policy. Grabel argues instead that the global crisis induced inconsistent and ad hoc discontinuities in global financial governance and developmental finance that are now having profound effects on emerging market and developing economies. Grabel's chief normative claim is that the resulting incoherence in global financial governance is productive rather than debilitating. In the age of productive incoherence, a more complex, dense, fragmented, and pluripolar form of global financial governance is expanding possibilities for policy and institutional experimentation, policy space for economic and human development, financial stability and resilience, and financial inclusion. Grabel draws on key theoretical commitments of Albert Hirschman to cement the case for the productivity of incoherence. Inspired by Hirschman, Grabel demonstrates that meaningful change often emerges from disconnected, erratic, experimental, and inconsistent adjustments in institutions and policies as actors pragmatically manage in an evolving world. Grabel substantiates her claims with empirically rich case studies that explore the effects of recent crises on networks of financial governance (such as the G-20); transformations within the IMF; institutional innovations in liquidity support and project finance from the national to the transregional levels; and the “rebranding” of capital controls. Grabel concludes with a careful examination of the opportunities and risks associated with the evolutionary transformations underway.27

Why not default? : the political economy of sovereign debt / Jerome Roos . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2019.

A 336.3409 ROO WHY

The European debt crisis has rekindled long-standing debates about the power of finance and the fraught relationship between capitalism and democracy in a globalized world. Why Not Default? unravels a striking puzzle at the heart of these debates—why, despite frequent crises and the immense costs of repayment, do so many heavily indebted countries continue to service their international debts? In this compelling and incisive book, Jerome Roos provides a sweeping investigation of the political economy of sovereign debt and international crisis management. He takes readers from the rise of public borrowing in the Italian city-states to the gunboat diplomacy of the imperialist era and the wave of sovereign defaults during the Great Depression. He vividly describes the debt crises of developing countries in the 1980s and 1990s and sheds new light on the recent turmoil inside the Eurozone—including the dramatic capitulation of Greece’s short-lived anti-austerity government to its European creditors in 2015. Drawing on in-depth case studies of contemporary debt crises in Mexico, Argentina, and Greece, Why Not Default? paints a disconcerting picture of the ascendancy of global finance. This important book shows how the profound transformation of the capitalist world economy over the past four decades has endowed private and official creditors with unprecedented structural power over heavily indebted borrowers, enabling them to impose painful austerity measures and enforce uninterrupted debt service during times of crisis—with devastating social consequences and far-reaching implications for democracy.

Risorse naturali ed energia

Energy economics / Peter M. Schwarz . - London : Routledge, 2018.

A 333.79 SCH ENE

With interest in topics such as climate change, energy security, and alternative energy sources being at an all-time high, the effects of today's decisions now rest on the shoulders of future generations. There are no easy answers to our energy issues, so costs and benefits must be considered when evaluating all energy alternatives; alongside that, prices must be right and need to reflect the full social costs to society of a given source of energy. Energy Economics outlines the fundamental issues and possible solutions to the challenges of energy production and use, and presents a framework for energy decisions based upon sound economic analysis. It considers market forces and policy goals, including economic prosperity, environmental protection, and other considerations that affect societal well-being. This book focuses on both energy choices and the impact of these choices on market performance, environmental conditions, and sustainability. The initial section covers the fundamental economic concepts for analyzing energy markets. Following this, a detailed analysis of established energy sources, specifically fossil fuels and nuclear energy, leads into consideration of energy alternatives such as renewable energy and next-generation alternatives. Electricity production and regulatory trends are covered in depth. The final section considers policy: environmental considerations, sustainability, and energy security. The concluding chapter is a comprehensive vision for our energy future.

Environmental and natural resource economics / Tom Tietenberg, Lynne Lewis . - 11th ed. - London : Routledge, 2018.

A 333.7 TIE ENV

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is the best-selling text for natural resource economics and environmental economics courses, offering a policy-oriented approach and introducing economic theory and empirical work from the field. Students will leave the course with a global perspective of both environmental and natural resource economics and how they interact. Complemented by a number of case studies showing how underlying economic principles provided the foundation for specific environmental and resource policies, this key text highlights what can be learned from the actual experience. This new, 11th edition includes updated data, a number of new studies and brings a more international focus to the subject.

Economia internazionale

Dirla tutta sul mercato globale : idee per un’economia mondiale assennata / Dani Rodrik . - Torino : Einaudi, 2019.


Lo Stato-nazione sembrava essere condannato all’irrilevanza grazie alla globalizzazione e alla tecnologia. Ora è tornato, spinto da un coro populista mondiale. Rodrik, da sempre schietto critico di una globalizzazione economica andata troppo oltre, va al di là della reazione negativa populista e offre una spiegazione ragionata dei motivi per cui l’ossessione delle élite tecnocratiche per l’iperglobalizzazione abbia reso piú difficili per gli Stati-nazione ottenere obiettivi economici e sociali legittimi a casa propria: prosperità economica, stabilità finanziaria ed equità. Egli rimprovera i globalisti per aver messo in pratica pessime scelte di politica economica, ignorando le sfumature dell’economia, che avrebbero dovuto indurre a piú cautela. Rodrik rivendica la necessità di un’economia mondiale pluralista, dove gli Stati-nazione possiedano un’autonomia sufficiente per formare i propri contratti sociali sviluppando strategie economiche pensate per i propri bisogni. Invece di invocare la chiusura delle frontiere o il protezionismo Rodrik ci mostra come ristabilire un equilibrio accorto tra una governance nazionale e una globale.

Economia della produzione

The economics of sports / Michael A. Leeds, Peter von Allmen, Victor A. Matheson. – 6th ed. – New York : Routledge, 2018.

A 338.47796 LEE ECO

The sports industry provides a seemingly endless set of examples from every area of microeconomics, giving students the opportunity to study economics in a context that holds their interest. Thoroughly updated to reflect the current sports landscape, The Economics of Sports introduces core economic concepts and theories and applies them to American and international sports.

Principles of microeconomics / Peter Else, Peter Curwen . - London : Routledge, 1990.

A 338.5 ELS PRI

La destinazione e i suoi prodotti : dal turismo del dove ai turismi del perchè / Paolo Desinano, Oderisi Nello Fiorucci ; con contributi di Stefania Berardi e Anna Boccioli . - Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2018.

A 338.4791068 DES DES

Per lungo tempo la gestione delle destinazioni ha individuato il focus della propria proposta turistica nel territorio-destinazione, interpretandolo prevalentemente come contenitore di attrattori e servizi. Sulla base di questa prospettiva i diversi attori della destinazione, pubblici e privati, hanno modellato i propri ruoli e compiti. Questo libro intende introdurre un approccio alternativo basato sulla considerazione che la domanda emergente dai mercati, sempre più articolata e complessa, sta spostando il proprio centro d'interesse dalla destinazione alla motivazione, cioè da un turismo del "dove" ai turismi del "perché". Un cambiamento prospettico carico di conseguenze, sia strategiche che operative, per tutti gli attori in gioco. Per corrispondere al nuovo orientamento della domanda la destinazione deve ristrutturare la propria offerta articolandola in coerenti linee di prodotto e reinterpretarsi come sistema di produzione dell'offerta stessa, dove i diversi attori sono chiamati a riconfigurare processi, organigrammi, ruoli e competenze. Il volume si rivolge a quanti, in veste di business manager piuttosto che di pubblici amministratori, sono impegnati a vari livelli ad affrontare le complesse tematiche del destination management innovando approcci tradizionali e aprendo prospettive inedite.

Economics of regulation and antitrust / W. Kip Viscusi, Joseph E. Harrington Jr., David E. M. Sappington. – 5th ed . - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2018.

A 338.973 VIS ECO

Regulation and antitrust are key elements of government policy. This new edition of the leading textbook on government and business policy explains how the latest theoretical and empirical economic tools can be employed to analyze pressing regulatory and antitrust issues. The book departs from the common emphasis on institutions, focusing instead on the relevant underlying economic issues, using state-of-the-art analysis to assess the appropriate design of regulatory and antitrust policy. Extensive case studies illustrate fundamental principles and provide insight on key issues in regulation and antitrust policy. This fifth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, reflecting both the latest developments in economic analysis and recent economic events. The text examines regulatory practices through the end of the Obama and beginning of the Trump administrations. New material includes coverage of global competition and the activities of the European Commission; recent mergers, including Comcast-NBC Universal; antitrust in the new economy, including investigations into Microsoft and Google; the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Dodd-Frank Act; the FDA approval process; climate change policies; and behavioral economics as a tool for designing regulatory strategies.

Information and communication technologies in tourism 2019 : proceedings of the international conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, January 30-February 1, 2019 / Juho Pesonen, Julia Neidhardt . - Cham : Springer, 2019.

A 338.47910285 INF

This book provides an extensive, up-to-date overview of the ways in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be used to develop tourism and hospitality. The coverage encompasses a wide variety of topics within the field, including virtual reality, sharing economy and peer-to-peer accommodation, social media use, hotel technology, big data, robotics, and recommendation systems, to name but a few. The content is based on the 2019 ENTER eTourism conference, organized in Nicosia, Cyprus by the International Federation for Information Technologies and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) – the leading independent global community for the discussion, exchange, and development of knowledge on the use and impact of new ICTs in the travel and tourism industry. The book offers a global perspective and rich source of information on important innovations and novel ideas. Though it will prove especially valuable for academics working in the eTourism field, it will also be of considerable interest to practitioners and students.

Management delle aziende culturali / a cura di Paola Dubini, Fabrizio Montanari, Armando Cirrincione . - Milano : Egea, 2017.

A 338.477068 MAN

Che cosa hanno di speciale le organizzazioni culturali? Quali elementi occorre considerare nel valutarne la sostenibilità economica? Di quali attenzioni necessita la loro complessa gestione? Si tratta di domande le cui risposte definiscono un ambito di studi ancora giovane e in pieno sviluppo. Responsabili di una parte importante della vita dei cittadini, sia da un punto di vista culturale che sociale ed economico le organizzazioni culturali sono chiamate a legittimarsi agli occhi di una pluralità di attori privati e pubblici, alle cui attese devono rispondere: i cittadini, gli esperti, i sostenitori, i turisti. Possono essere imprese, enti non profit, organi della pubblica amministrazione, a cui è richiesto di caratterizzare in modo via via più professionale la propria offerta culturale e al contempo di ripensarla continuamente per non perdere il passo rispetto alla contemporaneità di cui pure sono motore di sviluppo. Per rispettare que32ste specificità ed evitare grossolani errori, non è possibile trasferire tout court soluzioni e pratiche manageriali sperimentate in altri ambiti, ma occorre prestare attenzione a contestualizzarle da un punto di vista culturale e sociale.

Lo Stato innovatore : sfatare il mito del pubblico contro il privato / Mariana Mazzucato ; traduzione di Fabio Galimberti . - Bari : Laterza, 2018.

A 338.927 MAZ STA

L’economia tradizionale continua a proporci modelli astratti, il discorso pubblico continua a ripetere che la salvezza è negli imprenditori privati. In questo libro Mariana Mazzucato ci mostra come la prima soluzione sia ormai inutile e la seconda approssimativa. Martin Wolf, “Financial Times” Per molti, lo Stato imprenditore è una contraddizione in termini. Per Mariana Mazzucato è una realtà e una condizione di prosperità futura. È arrivato il tempo di questo libro. Dani Rodrik, Harvard University Questo libro dovete leggerlo. Sfiderà il vostro modo di pensare. “Forbes” Mariana Mazzucato dimostra che tutte le ultime rivoluzioni tecnologiche hanno avuto all’origine la ricerca pura finanziata dallo Stato: senza uno sforzo finanziato dai contribuenti la ricchezza dei big della Silicon Valley semplicemente non esisterebbe. Federico Rampini Chi è l’imprenditore più audace, l’innovatore più prolifico? Chi finanzia la ricerca che produce le tecnologie più rivoluzionarie? Lo Stato. Ma se lo Stato è il maggior innovatore, perché allora tutti i profitti provenienti da un rischio collettivo finiscono ai privati?

Macroeconomia e soggetti connessi

Inflation, growth and international finance / Alec Cairncross . - London : Routledge, 2016.

A 339.5 CAI INF

This book, originally published in 1975, deals with the sources of economic growth, inflation and the prospects of bringing it under control, floating exchange rates and restrictions on international capital movements. Although aimed at the non-specialist, professional economists will also find the book stimulating.

Inflation and unemployment : theory, experience and policy making / ed. by Victor E. Argy, John Nevile . - London : Routledge, 2016.

A 339.5 INF

Originally published in 1985 and contributed to by internationally renowned economists, this volume discusses theoretical issues and country-specific experiences to review the underlying causes of the stagflation of the 1970s and early 1980s, as well as summarizing the kinds of macro-policies that were adopted to deal with the stagflation.

Progress and confusion : the state of macroeconomic policy / ed. by Olivier Blanchard … [et al.] . - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2016.

A 339.5 PRO

What will economic policy look like once the global financial crisis is finally over? Will it resume the pre-crisis consensus, or will it be forced to contend with a post-crisis “new normal”? Have we made progress in addressing these issues, or does confusion remain? In April of 2015, the International Monetary Fund gathered leading economists, both academics and policymakers, to address the shape of future macroeconomic policy. This book is the result, with prominent figures—including Ben Bernanke, John Taylor, and Paul Volcker—offering essays that address topics that range from the measurement of systemic risk to foreign exchange intervention. The chapters address whether we have entered a “new normal” of low growth, negative real rates, and deflationary pressures, with contributors taking opposing views; whether new financial regulation has stemmed systemic risk; the effectiveness of macro prudential tools; monetary policy, the choice of inflation targets, and the responsibilities of central banks; fiscal policy, stimulus, and debt stabilization; the volatility of capital flows; and the international monetary and financial system, including the role of international policy coordination. In light of these discussions, is there progress or confusion regarding the future of macroeconomic policy? In the final chapter, volume editor Olivier Blanchard answers: both. Many lessons have been learned; but, as the chapters of the book reveal, there is no clear agreement on several key issues.


Il diritto di autore : del diritto di autore sulle opere dell'ingegno letterarie e artistiche / Vittorio M. De Sanctis . - Milano : Giuffrè, 2012.

A 346.45048202632 DES DIR

Il diritto d'autore si è affermato ed ampliato nel corso dei secoli, quando la tecnologia di riproduzione e di diffusione permetteva ai poteri forti di occuparsene; la stessa tecnologia, mentre metteva a disposizione degli autori i mezzi per creare le loro opere, agevolava la loro violazione. Tuttavia è il cuore della disciplina del diritto d'autore che produce le critiche più accese, è il diritto esclusivo dell'autore sulla proprie opere ad essere sottoposto ad analisi e rivisitazioni alla luce dell'innovazione tecnologica e delle nuove tendenze in merito alla diffusione delle idee.

Commercio, comunicazioni, trasporti

European film and television co-production : policy and practice / Julia Hammett-Jamart, Petar Mitric, Eva Novrup Redvall . - Cham : Palgrave, 2018.

A 384.83094 EUR

This volume offers an up-to-date analysis of film and television co-production in Europe. It brings together the voices of policy professionals, industry practitioners and media industry scholars to trace the contours of a complex practice that is of increasing significance in the global media landscape. Analysis of the latest production statistics sits alongside interviews with producers and the critical evaluation of public film policies. The volume incorporates contributions from representatives of major public institutions—Eurimages, the European Audiovisual Observatory and the European Commission—and private production companies including the pan-European Zentropa Group. Policy issues are elucidated through case studies including the Oscar-winning feature film Ida, the BAFTA-winning I am not a Witch and the Danish television serial Ride Upon the Storm. Scholarly articles span co-development, co-distribution and regional cinemas as well as emerging policy challenges such as the digital single market. The combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, and the juxtaposition of industry and scholarly voices, provides a unique perspective on European co-production that is information-rich, complex and stimulating, making this volume a valuable companion for students, scholars, and industry professionals.

The fashioned body : fashion, dress, and modern social theory / Joanne Entwistle . - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2018.


The Fashioned Body provides a wide-ranging and original overview of fashion and dress from an historical and sociological perspective. Where once fashion was seen as marginal, it has now entered into core economic discourse focused around ideas about ‘cultural’ and ‘creative’ work as a major driver of developed economies. With a new preface and new material on the evolving fashion industry, this second edition gives a clear summary of the theories surrounding the role and function of fashion in modern society. Entwistle examines how fashion plays a crucial role in the formation of modern identity through its articulation of the body, gender and sexuality. The book offers a much needed synthesis between the literature on fashion and dress, and the sociology of the body, offering an updated critique of the issues raised in the first edition. Entwistle shows how an understanding of fashion and dress requires an understanding of the meanings acquired by the body in culture since it is the body that fashion speaks to and which is dressed in almost all social situations and encounters. She argues that while fashion refers to a specific system of dress originating in the west, all cultures ‘dress’ the body in the same way, making it a crucial feature of social order. Drawing on the work of theorists, the book offers insights into the connections that need to be made between the body, fashion and dress. The Fashioned Body will be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the social role of fashion and dress in modern culture.

The language of fashion / Roland Barthes ; trans. by Andy Stafford ; edited by Andy Stafford, Michael Carter . - London : Bloomsbury, 2018.

A 391.0014 BAR LAN

Roland Barthes was one of the most widely influential thinkers of the 20th Century and his immensely popular and readable writings have covered topics ranging from wrestling to photography. The semiotic power of fashion and clothing were of perennial interest to Barthes and The Language of Fashion - now available in the Bloomsbury Revelations series - collects some of his most important writings on these topics. Barthes' essays here range from the history of clothing to the cultural importance of Coco Chanel, from Hippy style in Morocco to the figure of the dandy, from colour in fashion to the power of jewellery. Barthes' acute analysis and constant questioning make this book an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the cultural power of fashion.

Linguaggio e linguistica

How to do corpus pragmatics on pragmatically annotated data : speech acts and Beyond / Martin Weisser . - Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2018.

A 410.188 WEI HOW

This book introduces a methodology and research tool (DART) that make it possible to carry out advanced corpus pragmatics research using dialogue corpora enriched with pragmatics-relevant annotations. It first explores the general use of spoken corpora for pragmatics research, as well as issues revolving around their representation and annotation, and then goes on to describe the resources required for such an annotation process. Based on data from three different corpora, ranging from highly constrained, task-oriented, ones (SPAADIA Trainline & Trains 93) to unconstrained dialogues (Switchboard), it next presents an in-depth discussion and illustration of the potential contributions of syntax, semantics, and semantico-pragmatics towards pragmatic force. This is followed by a description of the largely automatic annotation process itself, and finally an analysis of how a set of more than 110 potential speech acts defined in DART contributes towards establishing the specific communicative characteristics of the three corpora.

Stancetaking in discourse : subjectivity, evaluation, interaction / ed. by Robert Englebretson . - Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2007.

A 401.41 STA

This volume contributes to the burgeoning field of research on stance by offering a variety of studies based in natural discourse. These collected papers explore the situated, pragmatic, and interactional character of stancetaking, and present new models and conceptions of stance to spark future research. Central to the volume is the claim that stancetaking encompasses five general principles: it involves physical, attitudinal and/or moral positioning; it is a public action; it is inherently dialogic, interactional, and sequential; it indexes broader sociocultural contexts; and it is consequential to the interactants. Each paper explores one or more of these dimensions of stance from perspectives including interactional linguistics and conversation analysis, corpus linguistics, language description, discourse analysis, and sociocultural linguistics. Research languages include conversational American English, colloquial Indonesian, and Finnish. The understanding of stance that emerges is heterogeneous and variegated, and always intertwined with the pragmatic and social aspects of human conduct.


First-order methods in optimization / Amir Beck . - Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2017.

A 519.6 BEC FIR

The primary goal of this book is to provide a self-contained, comprehensive study of the main first-order methods that are frequently used in solving large-scale problems. First-order methods exploit information on values and gradients/subgradients (but not Hessians) of the functions composing the model under consideration. With the increase in the number of applications that can be modeled as large or even huge-scale optimization problems, there has been a revived interest in using simple methods that require low iteration cost as well as low memory storage. The author has gathered, reorganized, and synthesized (in a unified manner) many results that are currently scattered throughout the literature, many of which cannot be typically found in optimization books. First-Order Methods in Optimization offers comprehensive study of first-order methods with the theoretical foundations; provides plentiful examples and illustrations; emphasizes rates of convergence and complexity analysis of the main first-order methods used to solve large-scale problems; and covers both variables and functional decomposition methods.

Introduction to linear programming with MATLAB / Shashi Kant Mishra, Bhagwat Ram . - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2018.

A 519.72028553 MIS INT

This book is based on the lecture notes of the author delivered to the students at the Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, India. It covers simplex, revised simplex, two-phase method, duality, dual simplex, complementary slackness, transportation and assignment problems with good number of examples, clear proofs, MATLAB codes and homework problems. The book will be useful for both students and practitioners.

The moment problem / Konrad Schmüdgen . - Cham : Springer, 2017.

A 515.72 SCH MOM

This advanced textbook provides a comprehensive and unified account of the moment problem. It covers the classical one-dimensional theory and its multidimensional generalization, including modern methods and recent developments. In both the one-dimensional and multidimensional cases, the full and truncated moment problems are carefully treated separately. Fundamental concepts, results and methods are developed in detail and accompanied by numerous examples and exercises. Particular attention is given to powerful modern techniques such as real algebraic geometry and Hilbert space operators. A wide range of important aspects are covered, including the Nevanlinna parametrization for indeterminate moment problems, canonical and principal measures for truncated moment problems, the interplay between Positivstellensätze and moment problems on semi-algebraic sets, the fibre theorem, multidimensional determinacy theory, operator-theoretic approaches, and the existence theory and important special topics of multidimensional truncated moment problems. The Moment Problem will be particularly useful to graduate students and researchers working on moment problems, functional analysis, complex analysis, harmonic analysis, real algebraic geometry, polynomial optimization, or systems theory. With notes providing useful background information and exercises of varying difficulty illustrating the theory, this book will also serve as a reference on the subject and can be used for self-study.


Strategies for longevity in family firms : a European perspective / Guido Corbetta, Carlo Salvato . - Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

A 658.0412 COR STR

The strategic concepts and tools illustrated in this book provide a framework for devising and implementing strategies favouring longevity of family-controlled business entities. The authors illustrate their arguments with examples drawn from their direct knowledge of representative Italian and European family firms.

Contemporary issues in strategic management / Paul Phillips, Luiz Moutinho . - London : Routledge, 2018.

A 658.4012 PHI CON

Traditional narratives on strategic management no longer fulfil the needs of students, practitioners, consultants and business owners operating within contemporary society. This textbook provides a differentiated approach to the topic, highlighting the dichotomy between theory and practice, and guiding readers towards an understanding of the future of strategic management. Moving beyond the short-sighted goal of profit maximization, Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management shines a light on measures that really matter, such as value. A wealth of global examples provide an illustration of competitive advantage from market-based and state-based perspectives, giving an insight into the activities that lead to the formation of successful and unsuccessful strategies. Written by two distinguished scholars in the field, this global textbook is essential reading for postgraduate students of strategic management worldwide.

Managerial economics / Mark Hirschey, Eric Bentzen, Carsten Scheibye . - 15h ed. - Australia : Cengage, 2019.

A 338.5024658 HIR MAN

The economic concepts presented in Managerial Economics show students how to use quantitative methods and economic analysis alongside common sense to better understand business and address managerial problems. The text’s unique integrative approach demonstrates that important business decisions are interdisciplinary and must involve collaboration between multiple business functions. Including updated real company cases and examples, the 15th edition of this text demonstrates how economic concepts and tools can be applied to real organisations and management situations.

Managing acquisitions : creating value through corporate renewal / Philippe C. Haspeslagh, David B. Jemison . - New York : Free Press, 1991.

A 658.162 HAS MAN

How can acquisitions help improve a firm's competitive position and lead to value creation? * Why do many acquisitions fail to live up to expectations? * Why do many managers think that integration means "make the other firms like us," rather than build on the complementary elements that were the original justification for the acquisition? * How can a management team improve its success with acquisitions? * How and what can firms learn from their acquisition experience? These persistent questions are addressed in this important book by Philippe Haspeslagh and David Jemison. Though much has been written about hostile takeovers, megamergers, and corporate restructuring, little attention has been paid to strategic acquisitions that firms throughout the world are using to accelerate the renewal of their business. After eight years of research in 20 companies in the United States, Europe, and Japan, Haspeslagh and Jemison offer a welcome antidote to an overly financial view of acquisitions. Real value, they show, is created only after the agreement is signed -- through managerial actions, not financial engineering. Against their innovative theory of how acquisitions create value, the authors examine the reality of acquisition decision making in most firms. Ironically, they point out, less effective acquisition decision making does not stem from a lack of analysis, but from problems in the acquisition process itself. The importance of their message manage the acquisition process -- becomes more vivid when Haspeslagh and Jemison address integration, identifying common problems and challenges. In addition, they offer a powerful framework for managers to think through their integration approach...

Reconnecting marketing to markets / ed. by Luis Araujo ... [et al.] . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

A 658.8 REC

The historical link between marketing and markets, prevalent until the 1960s, has given way to the view of marketing as a portable set of tools applicable to markets and non-markets alike. By re-establishing the connection between the two, this book examines the argument that marketing produces markets: marketing practices and theories play a very significant role in the production of markets and the kinds of entities and phenomena that populate markets. This interdisciplinary book brings together theoretical and empirical contributions from marketing and economic sociologists to analyse and develop novel approaches to interpreting the relationship between marketing theory, marketing practices, and markets across a variety of market settings and countries.

Web storytelling : come raccontare le marche online / Joseph Sassoon . - Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2018.

A 658.827 SAS WEB

Nel nuovo mondo dei social media, caratterizzato da libertà di scelta, dialogo e partecipazione, le storie conservano tutto il loro potere e lo storytelling di marca ha nuove opportunità per ispirare i consumatori. Le aziende, tuttavia, devono reinterpretare profondamente il loro ruolo. L'epoca delle storie di marca precostituite e invasive si sta esaurendo; gli utenti del web sono sempre meno interessati a racconti unidirezionali e vogliono essere coinvolti in nuove forme di "condivisione narrativa". Il passaggio ai social media, in breve, costituisce un vero e proprio salto di paradigma che impone nuovi modi di pensare. In questa prospettiva, dopo aver presentato un quadro dei mutamenti in atto, alcune riflessioni teoriche e un'ampia serie di casi studio, l'autore offre principi e regole pragmatiche che possono risultare assai preziose per impostare correttamente lo storytelling di marca sulle nuove piattaforme online. Questa nuova edizione del volume, che aggiorna il testo pubblicato sei anni fa - un tempo assai lungo se si tiene conto della velocità con cui si succedono i fenomeni nel web - propone nuove case histories, introduce riferimenti più attuali e interessanti (per citarne solo uno, l'entrata in scena di Donald Trump), aggiorna dati e date. Viene inoltre inserita un'analisi del rapporto tra storytelling e viralità, tema oltremodo attuale, studiato ampiamente dall'autore che lo tratta spesso nel suo blog. Lo stile diretto, il taglio pratico, i molti esempi internazionali rendono anche questa nuova edizione del testo un utile strumento di stimolo e di lavoro per tutti coloro che si occupano di web communication e marketing.

Pubblicità e relazioni pubbliche

Strategia in pubblicità : dall'intelligenza, la magia / Marco Lombardi . - Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2017.

A 659.1 LOM STR

Come trasformare l'intelligenza in magia? John Hegarty, fra i più grandi pubblicitari odierni, assegna il compito all'idea creativa che nasce solo da una visione strategica chiara, coraggiosa, responsabile e mai è stato così complesso. La pubblicità è oggi costruita su dati e tecnologia ma non può esserne dominata. Web e mobile hanno sconvolto il principio della comunicazione ma il gioco mantiene molte delle regole classiche. Come destreggiarsi? Marco Lombardi, che lavora in pubblicità da più di quarant'anni con crescenti e diversificate responsabilità, si è unito ai leader di Mindshare: Roberto Binaghi, Adriana Ripandelli, Marzio Mazzara e Marco Brusa, professionisti integrati in un unicum di esperienza e innovazione nella gestione dei dati e dei mezzi off e online. Insieme hanno voluto riunire in questo manuale tutto il bagaglio di conoscenze che vorrebbero in possesso dei loro collaboratori; completezza, semplicità, pragmatismo, numerosità dei casi e profondità teorica ne fanno un riferimento sicuro nella complessa realtà odierna della comunicazione.

Studiare la pubblicità : teorie, analisi e interpretazioni / Simona De Iulio . - Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2018.

A 659.1014 DEI STU

L'ambizione di questo volume è fornire una bussola per orientarsi nell'insieme vasto e composito della letteratura sulla pubblicità. Il testo raccoglie, sintetizza e mette in relazione le molteplici teorie, analisi e riflessioni che compongono un campo di indagine tanto ricco quanto frammentario come quello degli studi sulla pubblicità - intesa come fenomeno comunicativo al crocevia tra commercio, cultura e società. Il lettore troverà in queste pagine una sintesi chiara dei diversi orientamenti teorici e metodologici che hanno attraversato lo studio delle strategie, degli artefatti e delle pratiche della comunicazione commerciale. Dalle analisi degli annunci sulla stampa negli anni del dopoguerra fino allo studio attuale delle strategie della pubblicità su Internet, il volume raccoglie dunque la sfida di rendere accessibili le questioni sollevate dalla pubblicità nel corso del tempo e aiuta il lettore a cogliere le implicazioni ideologiche, culturali, sociali ed economiche della comunicazione commerciale, senza ridurne la complessità. Il volume si rivolge principalmente agli studenti di corsi di Laurea Triennale e Magistrale in Scienze della comunicazione, ma potrà interessare anche un pubblico di lettori più ampio: professionisti del settore, studenti, dottorandi, ricercatori di altri ambiti delle scienze umane e sociali.


Kultur digital : Begriffe, Hintergründe, Beispiele / hrsg. von Hedy Graber ... [et al.] . - Basel : Christoph Merian, 2011.

A 776 KUL

Der Siegeszug der digitalen Medien hat die Welt verändert: Musik ist dank Download-Plattformen omnipräsent, die Qualität heimischer Breitbildmonitore ist brillant, das E-Book revolutioniert die Lesegewohnheiten. Archive und Bibliotheken auf der ganzen Welt werden digitalisiert, international vernetzt, öffentlich zugänglich gemacht.


The Children Act : il verdetto [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Richard Eyre . - [S.l.] : Rai Cinema, 2019.

G 791.4372 EYR CHI

Una donna dedica anima e corpo al suo lavoro di giudice ma trascura il marito. Il caso di un ragazzo in ospedale cambierà la sua vita.

I ragazzi stanno bene [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Lisa Cholodenko . - [S.l.] : Lucky Red, 2011.

A 791.4372 CHO RAG

Nic e Jules sono sposate e vivono in un'accogliente casetta fuori città nella California del Sud insieme ai loro figli adolescenti, Joni e Laser. Nic e Jules o, come vengono soprannominate al plurale da Joni, "Moms" hanno fatto nascere, hanno cresciuto i loro figli e sono riuscite a creare una vera famiglia composta da loro quattro. Ma quando Joni si prepara ad andarsene per frequentare il college, il fratello quindicenne Laser la convince a fargli un grande favore. Vuole che Joni, ora diciottenne, lo aiuti a rintracciare il loro padre biologico; i due adolescenti sono stati concepiti infatti grazie all'inseminazione artificiale. Sebbene poco convinta, Joni mantiene fede alla promessa fatta al fratello e riesce a prendere contatti con il loro "bio-papà" Paul, uno spensierato ristoratore. I due ragazzi resteranno molto affascinati dallo stile di vita indipendente, da vero scapolo incallito, di Paul. Anche Jules, che sta cercando di iniziare una nuova carriera come progettista di giardini, sentirà il desiderio di essere amica di Paul. Ma quando Paul farà il suo ingresso nella vita dell'atipico quartetto, inizierà per tutti loro un nuovo, inaspettato capitolo, in cui i legami di famiglia dovranno essere ridefiniti.


Il parto della Vergine / Jacopo Sannazaro ; edizione critica, introduzione, commento, indici a cura di Stefano Prandi ; traduzione italiana a cura di Francesco Ursini ; in appendice : versione volgare di Giovanni Giolito con note di Stefano Prandi . - Torino : Loescher, 2018.

A 871.04 SAN DEP

Il De partu Virginis di Jacopo Sannazaro rappresenta veramente - per dirla col Dionisotti - la carta decisiva di tutta la sua vita di scrittore. Il progetto del grande umanista napoletano è davvero ambizioso e innovativo: per la prima volta nella res publica litterarum degli Umanisti veniva tentata la composizione di un'opera che intendeva coniugare uno dei più sublimi argomenti sacri - la nascita di Cristo - con la più squisita raffinatezza formale che la lingua latina avesse mai raggiunto , dopo un secolo di filologia e poesia umanistica. Dedicare, nel primo quarto del Cinquecento, un poema latino ad un tema tanto arduo, progettare cioè un nuovo modello di epica cristiana non più nel sermo rude di Prudenzio, Sedulio, Giovenco, ma in una lingua che intendeva rinnovare lo splendore dell'età aurea di Virgilio, significava per il Sannazaro porsi ambiziosamente nella trafila più illustre della tradizione letteraria, accanto ai modelli del XXXIII canto del Paradiso dantesco e della canzone alla Vergine del Petrarca. La presente edizione è arricchita della classica versione cinquecentesca di Giovanni Giolito (collocata in Appendice) debitamente annotata dal curatore del volume.

Letteratura italiana

L'arme pietose : studio sulla Gerusalemme liberata / Giovanna Scianatico . - Venezia : Marsilio, 1990.

A 851.4 SCI ARM

Renaissance transactions : Ariosto and Tasso / ed. by Valeria Finucci . - Durham : Duke University Press, 1999.

A 851.3 REN

Gerusalemme liberata / Torquato Tasso ; a cura di Franco Tomasi . - Milano : BUR, 2014.

A 851.4 TAS GER

Ideale rappresentante dell'autunno del Rinascimento, la "Gerusalemme liberata" divenne ben presto uno tra i libri più letti e amati in tutta Europa. Tasso seppe descrivere con il suo poema un mondo umano e narrativo chiaroscurale, ricco di una tensione mai completamente risolta tra etica e desiderio, tra doveri nei confronti di una giustizia superiore e umanissimi cedimenti alle debolezze. Nel contrasto allargato alle grandi forze del Cielo e dell'Inferno, la "Liberata" comunica un profondo senso di crisi attraverso tutto il racconto, lasciando sempre al lettore un indefinibile sentimento di incertezza. Franco Tomasi nella sua introduzione analizza l'orizzonte ideologico e la genesi del poema. Il ricco commento scioglie ogni difficoltà testuale e mette in luce il fìtto dialogo poetico con la tradizione epica e lirica di cui è tramato il poema.

La giostra dei destini letterari : (viaggio nei suggestivi sotterranes della letteratura italiana tra cinquecento e novecento) : con molti documenti inediti e scottanti rivelazioni / Gennaro Cesaro . - Roma : BastogiLibri, 2018.

A 850.9 CES GIO

È proprio vero che in quelli di Gennaro Cesaro, accademico tiberino, si trova tutto ciò che non è possibile trovare in nessuno dei libri in circolazione. Lo attesta puntualmente questo suo originale viaggio all’interno dei bui sotterranei della letteratura nostrana tra Cinquecento e Novecento. Ecco alcuni dei clamorosi e coinvolgenti reperti da lui rinvenuti: - Torquato Tasso denunciato per plagio. - Alessandro Manzoni pessimo padre. - Il “curriculum mortis” di Giacomo Leopardi. - La “carissima cugina” di Giovanni Pascoli. - Gabriele D’Annunzio porno-attore a Parigi nel 1911. - Giovanni Papini fumoso grafomane. - Dino Campana beffeggiato e boicottato. - Le donne segrete di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Il tutto condito con la salsa piccante di un’inedita e travolgente documentazione epistolare e iconografica. Non a caso, tutta la produzione letteraria di Gennaro Cesaro è da anni reperibile nei circuiti di vendita “on line”, tra cui Amazon, Feltrinelli e inMondadori. Tra i suoi numerosi meriti, quello di essere stato il più giovane collaboratore della storica rivista letteraria fiorentina “Nuova Antologia”: aveva appena 26 anni, quando vi fu pubblicato il suo primo articolo, molto apprezzato dall’allora direttore, lo scrittore Antonio Baldini. Come studioso di letterature europee, ha tradotto alcune opere di celebri autori, come Victor Hugo, Voltaire, Robert Browning, Jules Superville e altri.

Il ricco edificio : arte allusiva nella Gerusalemme liberata / Raffaele Ruggiero . - Firenze : L. S. Olschki, 2005.

A 851.4 RUG RIC

"Il ricco edificio" è il palazzo-giardino dove Armida seduce Rinaldo, immemore della santa crociata. L'affresco tassiano, che occupa i canti XIV-XVI della "Liberata", coniuga pratica epica e riflessione teorico-polemica sulla crisi degli statuti poetici rinascimentali. I calchi allusivi di tradizione classica rivelano una poesia dotta per un pubblico attento a modelli riconoscibili: le trame della "Liberata" rinviano a Lucrezio, Catullo, alla tradizione elegiaca, a Virgilio, e soprattutto all'"Iliade", archetipo ancora fondante alle origini della modernità.

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