Becoming digital : toward a post-internet society / Vincent Mosco
. - Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 2017.
A 303.4833 MOS BEC
Becoming Digital examines the transition from the online world we have known to the Next Internet, which is emerging from the convergence of Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, and the Internet of Things. The Cloud stores and processes information in data centers; Big Data Analytics provide the tools to analyse and use it; and the Internet of Things connects sensor-equipped devices everywhere to communication networks that span the globe. These technologies make possible a post-Internet society filled with homes that think, machines that make decisions, drones that deliver packages or bombs, and robots that work for us, play with us, and take our jobs. The Next Internet promises a world where computers are everywhere, even inside our bodies, "coming alive" to make possible the unification of people and machines in what some call the Singularity.
This timely book explores this potential as both a reality on the horizon and a myth that inspires a new religion of technology. It takes up the coming threats to a democratic, decentralized, and universal Internet and the potential to deepen the problems of commercial saturation, concentrated economic power, cyber-warfare, the erosion of privacy, and environmental degradation. On the other hand, it also shows how the Next Internet can help expand democracy, empowering people worldwide, providing for more of life's necessities, and advancing social equality. But none of this will happen without concerted political and policy action. Becoming Digital points the way forward.
Careers in media and communication / Stephanie A. Smith
. - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2019.
A 302.23023 SMI CAR
Careers in Media and Communication is a practical resource that helps students understand how a communication degree prepares them for a range of fulfilling careers; it gives students the skills they will need to compete in a changing job market. Award-winning teacher and author Stephanie A. Smith draws from her years of professional experience to guide students through the trends and processes of identifying, finding, and securing a job in in mass communication. Throughout the book, students explore the daily lives of professionals currently working in the field, as well as gain firsthand insights into the training and experience that hiring managers seek.
The communication age : connecting & engaging / Autumn Edwards ... [et al.]
. - London : Sage, 2020.
A 302.30285 COM
When should you send a text message, and when is it more appropriate to talk face-to-face? What is the best way to prepare for a job interview that will be conducted over video? How should you modify your speech if it will be recorded and posted online? The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging by Autumn Edwards, Chad Edwards, Shawn T. Wahl, and Scott A. Myers introduces students to the foundational concepts and essential skills of effective communication, with a strong emphasis on the impact of technology in our increasingly interconnected world.
This new Third Edition helps students become involved in our diverse global community and learn how to apply key principles of effective communication―whether incorporating media, technology, or traditional face-to-face speech communication―to foster civic engagement for a better future. With comprehensive coverage of the essentials of interpersonal, small group, and public communication, this text is ideal for use in hybrid introduction to communication courses.
Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft / Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz, Michael Meyen
. - Wiesbaden : Springer, 2016.
A 302.2072 HAN
Das Handbuch verfolgt zwei Ziele, einen State of the Art und einen Take Off für weitere Forschung zu bieten. Welche nicht standardisierten Methoden werden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft eingesetzt, wer arbeitet mit diesen Verfahren und wie unterscheiden sich dabei verschiedene Teildisziplinen des Faches? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, wird der Gegenstand aus drei verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet. Während in den Teilen zwei und drei des Handbuches konkrete Methoden sowie Forschungsfelder des Fachs und ihre methodischen Zugänge behandelt werden, liefert der erste Teil einen Überblick zur Theorie qualitativer oder nicht standardisierter Forschung sowie zu deren Genese im fachlichen Kontext der Kommunikationsforschung. Autorinnen und Autoren der Einzelbeiträge sind diejenigen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die im deutschsprachigen Raum mit den entsprechenden Verfahren arbeiten. Die Einzelkapitel sind daher sowohl forschungslogisch wie forschungspraktisch angelegt. Die angestrebte Vielfalt an Themen und Autoren führt zum zweiten Ziel: Das Handbuch soll Forschung anregen und das Bewusstsein für Qualitätsstandards stärken sowie zugleich dazu beitragen, nicht standardisierte Forschung tiefer in der akademischen Lehre des Fachs zu verankern.
Media analysis techniques / Arthur Asa Berger
. - 6th ed. - London : Sage, 2019.
A 302.2301 BER MED
In the Sixth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger once again provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, hands-on guide to media criticism. The book empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accept how others interpret the media. Media Analysis Techniques begins by examining four techniques of media interpretation - semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory - that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, Media Analysis Techniques includes a glossary, study guides, and the author′s own illustrations.
Media convergence : the three degrees of network, mass and interpersonal communication / Klaus Bruhn Jensen
. - London : Routledge, 2010.
A 302.23 JEN MED
The development of digital media presents a unique opportunity to reconsider what communication is, and what individuals, groups, and societies might hope to accomplish through new as well as old media. At a time when digital media still provoke both utopian and dystopian views of their likely consequences, Klaus Bruhn Jensen places these ‘new’ media in a comparative perspective together with ‘old’ mass media and face-to-face communication, restating the two classic questions of media studies: what do media do to people, and what do people do with media?
Media Convergence makes a distinction between three general types of media: the human body enabling communication in the flesh; the technically reproduced means of mass communication; and the digital technologies facilitating interaction one-to-one, one-to-many, as well as many-to-many.
Media management matters : challenges and opportunities for bridging theory and practice / edited by Ulrike Rohn and Tom Evens
. - New York : Routledge, 2020.
A 302.23068 MED
This edited volume explores media management as engaged scholarship, building a bridge between theory and practice and discussing research collaboration between academia, policymakers and the media industry. In addition to advancing the scholarly discipline, it also questions, investigates and discusses the practical value of the research undertaken, showing how media management research can provide actionable, practice-relevant knowledge to decision makers throughout the media industry.
The volume is broken into two parts: a section reflecting on the need for collaboration between research and practice, and a section overviewing specific projects that aim to deliver administrative value to stakeholders. The international research projects presented here span topics such as digital transformation, business models in news and digital journalism, media entrepreneurship and start-ups, ad-blocking, location-based services, audiovisual consumption preferences, the sustainability of small television markets, co-located and clustered industries and digital privacy. Incorporating under-used methodological approaches, such as action research and ethnography, Media Management Matters brings suggestions for how scholarship might be promoted outside academia. Simply put, this book aims to demonstrate why media management matters.
Featuring an international roster of contributors, this collection is essential reading for scholars and practitioners of media management, business and policy.
Media/society : industries, images, and audiences / David Croteau, William Hoynes
. - 6th ed. - Los Angeles : Sage, 2020.
A 302.23 CRO MED
Providing a framework for understanding the relationship between media and society, this updated Sixth Edition of Media/Society helps you develop the skills you need to critically evaluate both conventional wisdom and your own assumptions about the social role of the media. Authors David Croteau and William Hoynes retain the book’s basic sociological framework but now include additional discussions of new studies and up-to-date material on today’s rapidly changing media landscape. Now featuring streamlined content and a more engaging narrative, this edition offers expanded discussions of the "new media" world, including digitization, the internet, the spread of mobile media devices, the role of user-generated content, the potential social impact of new media on society, and new media’s effect on traditional media outlets.