Filosofia e psicologia
Dalla società dello scambio all'etica della norma : alle radici dell'etica kantiana / Adolfo Fabbio . - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2008.
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"Ciò che salva dall'arbitrio, è l'osservanza delle forme legali. Le forme sono le divinità tutelari delle società umane, costituiscono la sola protezione dell'innocenza, la vera possibilità di rapporto degli uomini fra loro. Altrimenti tutto è oscuro, tutto è affidato alla coscienza solitaria, all'opinione vacillante. Solo le forme legali sono chiare, soltanto a queste forme l'oppresso può appellarsi". Le parole di B. Constant possono considerarsi un commento esemplare alla dimensione formale della legge kantiana, se collocate nel sottofondo polemico: "Non conosco nessun sistema di schiavitù che abbia consacrato errori più funesti dell'eterna metafisica del Contratto sociale". È una sollecitazione di Fr. A. von Hayek che Kant abbia sviluppato la sua teoria dell'imperativo categorico, applicando alla morale il concetto di governo della legge, che aveva trovato pronto nelle regole di giustizia humiane, generali e inflessibili. Nella dissociazione e nella concorrenza degli interessi reali la legge morale non può avere un contenuto, perché si frantumerebbe in tante massime quanti sono gli individui e le loro inclinazioni.
Dark horse : achieving success through the pursuit of fulfillment / Todd Rose, Ogi Ogas . - San Francisco : HarperOne, 2018.
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For generations, we've been stuck with a cookie-cutter mold for success that requires us to be the same as everyone else, only better. This "standard formula" works for some people but leaves most of us feeling disengaged and frustrated. As much as we might dislike the standard formula, it seems like there's no other practical path to financial security and a fulfilling life. But what if there is? In the Dark Horse Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, bestselling author and acclaimed thought leader Todd Rose and neuroscientist Ogi Ogas studied women and men who achieved impressive success even though nobody saw them coming. Dark horses blaze their own trail to a life of happiness and prosperity. Yet what is so remarkable is that hidden inside their seemingly one-of-a-kind journeys are practical principles for achieving success that work for anyone, no matter who you are or what you hope to achieve. This mold-breaking approach doesn't depend on you SAT scores, who you know, or how much money you have. The secret is a mindset that can be expressed in plain English: Harness your individuality in the pursuit of fulfillment to achieve excellence.
Logica trascendentale e filosofia pratica : saggio sul pensiero di Hermann Cohen / Adolfo Fabbio . - Canterano : Aracne, 2019.
Il libro dimostra come il filo che sottende e unisce la riflessione di Hermann Cohen è il fondamento e la salvaguardia della razionalità filosofica, che, per la sua posizione trascendentale e per la sua capacità fondante, unifica la cultura. Alla base di questa idea, che si esplicita nell'esposizione e nel commento del pensiero di Cohen, sono da sottolineare due momenti: quello della costituzione e della fondazione di questa razionalità nel commento al testo kantiano e quello esemplificativo della fondazione dell'etica.
Themes from Brentano / ed. by Denis Fisette and Guillaume Fréchette . - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2013.
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Franz Brentano's impact on the philosophy of his time and on 20th-century philosophy is considerable. The "sharp dialectician" (Freud) and "genial master" (Husserl) influenced philosophers of various allegiances, being acknowledged not only as the "grandfather of phenomenology" (Ryle) but also as an analytic philosopher "in the best sense of this term" (Chisholm). The fourteen new essays gathered together in this volume give an insight in three core issues of Brentano's philosophy: consciousness (sect.1), intentionality (sect. 2) and ontology and metaphysics (sect. 3). Two further sections of the volume deal with the posterity of his philosophy: in section 4, the legacy of his account of sense perception and feeling is discussed, while the history of Brentano's unpublished manuscripts is discussed in section 5. This section also presents an edition of a manuscript from 1899 on relations, along with the letters from Brentano to Marty which discuss this manuscript. The last part of section 5 contains the text of a public lecture given by Brentano on the laws of inference.
What is the argument? : an introduction to philosophical argument and analysis / Maralee Harrell . - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2016.
The best way to introduce students to philosophy and philosophical discourse is to have them read and wrestle with original sources. This textbook explores philosophy through detailed argument analyses of texts by philosophers from Plato to Strawson. It presents a novel and transparent method of analysis that will teach students not only how to understand and evaluate philosophers' arguments but also how to construct such arguments themselves. Students will learn to read a text and discover what the philosopher thinks, why the philosopher thinks it, and whether the supporting argument is good. Students learn argument analysis through argument diagrams, with color-coding of the argument's various elements—conclusion, claims, and “indicator phrases.” (An online “mini-course” in argument diagramming and argument diagramming software are both freely available online.) Each chapter ends with exercises and reading questions. After a general introduction to philosophy and logic and an explanation of argument analysis, the book presents selections from primary sources, arranged by topics that correspond to contemporary debates, with detailed analysis and evaluation. These topics include philosophy of religion, epistemology, theory of mind, free will and determinism, and ethics; authors include Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Ryle, Fodor, Dennett, Searle, and others. What Is the Argument? not only introduces students to great philosophical thinkers, it also teaches them the essential skill of critical thinking.